Academic articles
Practitioner articles
Working papers
Book chapters
Case studies
Other publications
executive educaiton, teaching managers, business schools, program design, adult education, teaching as a career development
Human resources management/organizational behavior
executive learning, leadership, learning innovation, executive education
JEL Code(s)
M12, M53
Digital transformation, accelerated by the COVID pandemic, resulted in major changes for the executive classroom. We had to reinvent, digitalize, redesign, and reframe ways of learning for leaders. In many cases the changes needed to be implemented from one day to the other.
This bookazine, a professional book with the look-and-feel of a magazine, brings together executive education faculty, practitioners, and learning specialists to depict tried and tested practices of learning for leaders. The changing learning needs of modern leaders in combination with the diverse expertise of the authors represent a fascinating set of practice examples which advance the future of executive education.
The result is a collection of inspiring and innovative learning practices that is of keen interest to executive education faculty and specialists, leadership development experts, as well as learners who will shape and be shaped by future executive education programs.
This bookazine, a professional book with the look-and-feel of a magazine, brings together executive education faculty, practitioners, and learning specialists to depict tried and tested practices of learning for leaders. The changing learning needs of modern leaders in combination with the diverse expertise of the authors represent a fascinating set of practice examples which advance the future of executive education.
The result is a collection of inspiring and innovative learning practices that is of keen interest to executive education faculty and specialists, leadership development experts, as well as learners who will shape and be shaped by future executive education programs.
ISBN (Online)
Marketing; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
solid growth, strategic challenges, strategic options for corporate development, advanced premium goods, no-frills, complex service solutions, global industrial companies, global markets, innovative business models, corporate structures in times of deglobalization, hidden champions
ISBN (Online)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
This book is a collection of challenging cases in executive coaching from the annals of the ESMT-Berlin Coaching Colloquia - yearly events for experienced professionals committed to advancement of the coaching profession. In the period of 2009-2018, hundreds of difficult cases were discussed by coaches from all over the world in an intensive but safe environment of the ESMT Berlin Campus. This volume presents a few of those cases to the interested public and offers a unique opportunity to explore the work of coaches from within and to reflect upon ways professionals approach ambiguous moments in their practice. The cases do not serve the purpose to endorse or critique a particular coaching choice, but rather give the reader an opportunity to think about their own ways of handling professional challenges in coaching engagements. The book can be an exciting self-development tool or instructional material for courses in coaching training or supervision.
2nd ed.,
Strategy and general management
Accounting, finance
Grundlegende Fragen der Unternehmensführung, betriebswirtschaftliche Methoden, Werkzeuge und Zusammenhänge verstehen: Das Buch vermittelt Führungskräften und Studierenden die notwendigen BWL-Kenntnisse. Praxisorientiert und leicht verständlich erschließt es - gerade auch für Nicht-BWLer - alle wichtigen Themen: Von der Ausrichtung auf Markt und Wettbewerb, über die Gestaltung interner Strukturen und Prozesse, bis hin zu den Instrumenten der Unternehmenssteuerung und der Finanzberichterstattung.
Für die 5. Auflage wurden sämtliche Beiträge überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Mit Übungsaufgaben, Lösungshinweisen und Kurzglossar wichtiger englischsprachiger Fachbegriffe.
Für die 5. Auflage wurden sämtliche Beiträge überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Mit Übungsaufgaben, Lösungshinweisen und Kurzglossar wichtiger englischsprachiger Fachbegriffe.
5th ed.,
ISBN (Online)
Diversity and inclusion; Economics, politics and business environment; Health and environment; Information technology and systems; Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
Decision science, Artificial Intelligence, cognitive psychology
From pandemics to populism, new weapons to the rise of artificial intelligence, and gaping inequalities to climate change, humanity faces unprecedented challenges that threaten our very existence. In FRAMERS: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil, the authors offer a reason to be optimistic: humans have a unique ability to frame—or think in mental models—and so come up with solutions that meet our moment in history.
To frame is to make a mental model that enables us to see patterns, predict how things will unfold, and make sense of new situations. Frames guide the decisions we make and the results we attain. People have long focused on traits like memory and reasoning leaving framing all but ignored. But with computers becoming better at some of those cognitive tasks, framing stands out as a critical function—and only humans can do it. This book is the first guide to mastering this innate human ability.
Framers shows how framing is not just a way to improve how we make decisions in the era of algorithms—but why it will be a matter of survival for humanity in a time of societal upheaval and machine prosperity.
To frame is to make a mental model that enables us to see patterns, predict how things will unfold, and make sense of new situations. Frames guide the decisions we make and the results we attain. People have long focused on traits like memory and reasoning leaving framing all but ignored. But with computers becoming better at some of those cognitive tasks, framing stands out as a critical function—and only humans can do it. This book is the first guide to mastering this innate human ability.
Framers shows how framing is not just a way to improve how we make decisions in the era of algorithms—but why it will be a matter of survival for humanity in a time of societal upheaval and machine prosperity.
Information technology and systems
IT security, international law, cybersecurity
Information technology and systems
international law, cybersecurity, evidence, attribution, self-defence, countermeasures, necessity, hybrid warfare, cyber operations, hack backs
Creation of the extraordinary, perspectives on luxury, luxury, branding, brand management, marketing, luxury brand management, luxury marketing, luxury brand strategy, marketing strategy, symbolic consumption, advertising, status consumption, creative industries
Luxury is as old as humankind and has sparked multiple debates throughout of history. In today’s consumer society, luxury brands have become aspirational symbols. Yet, to date, a comprehensive overview of the different perspectives that have shaped the discourses about luxury is missing. Hannes Gurzki provides a broad overview of luxury research, highlights and details important perspectives on luxury, and derives practical guidelines for managers based on research. Thereby the author combines insights from different disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, cultural studies, economics or management, to broaden and deepen our understanding of luxury and its creation principles.
Copyright Information: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature 2020
ISBN (Online)
Economics, politics and business environment; Entrepreneurship; Ethics and social responsibility; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
Decentral energy, regulation, governance, renewables, digitalization
JEL Code(s)
M13, M14, H40, L26, L32, L38, L43, L51, L94, L98, Q42, Q48, Q55, Q56, Q58
Decentralised energy supply turns from a niche product into a mass phenomenon – not only with the rise of renewable energies such as solar, wind or biomass, but also with micro co-generation, residential storage and autonomous island systems. The edited volume “Decentralised Energy – a Global Game Changer“ portrays the transformation of energy supply into a decentralised structure from two angles: governance and business model innovation, with governments and entrepreneurs as two complementary “agents of change”.
ISBN (Online)