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We generate practical and scientifically relevant knowledge for and about Hidden Champions. In addition, we study the success factors of Hidden Champions through different quantitative and qualitative formats.

Furthermore, we examine the current and future challenges of Hidden Champions to support them in mastering their respective tasks. Examples of such topics include international competitive strategy, innovation, marketing, and sales management as well as governance, leadership, corporate culture, and succession.

Our findings are published in field reports as well as in scientific papers and case studies for university teaching. In addition, we screen our networks for interesting further publications that complement our own research.


Publications from the HCI and its network

For managers

Hidden Champions

Champions of the Digital Transformation?

HCI and IDG Business Media Publication (2018)

Alexander Jake Freimark, Johannes Habel, Simon Hülsbömer, Bianca Schmitz, Matthias Teichmann

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The Big Misunderstandings with Digital Talent

Published in Global Network Perspectives (2018)

Johannes Habel, Bianca Schmitz

The Essence of Strategy

Published by ESMT Berlin (2018)

Olaf PlötnerHarald Hungenberg

Zukünftige Customer Journeys & deren Implikation

Published in Marketing Weiterdenken (2018)

Reinhard Zinkann, Jochen Mahadevan

Staying Strong in Disruptive Times

Published in ESMT Update 2017/2

Sabine Rau

Vermögen mit Verantwortung

Zur Nachhaltigkeit und Werten von Familienunternehmen

HCI Network Publication

Familienunternehmen im Fokus von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft - Mark K. Binz (2014) - Reinhard Zinkann

Nachhaltiges Unternehmertum vs. Shareholder Value

Unversöhnlicher Gegensatz oder unzertrennliches Paar?

HCI Network Publication

Die Zukunft gibt es nur einmal! (2010) - Reinhard Zinkann

For academics

Contracting in Medical Equipment Maintenance Services

An empirical investigation

ESMT Publication

Management Science

Tian Chan, Francis de Véricourt, Omar Besbes

Fire in the Belly?

Employee motives and innovative performance in startups versus established firms

ESMT Publication

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Henry Sauermann

Willingness to Rely on Trust in Global Business Collaborations

Context vs. demography

ESMT Publication

Journal of World Business

Francis Bidault, José de la Torre, Stelios H. Zanakis, Peter Smith Ring

For educators

Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd (ZPMC)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-314-0148-1

Olaf Plötner, Peter Utzig, Xuyi Wang, Qing Zhang (2014)

Voith Paper: Transforming Sales Costs into Consulting Revenue

ESMT Publication

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-314-0148-1

Olaf Plötner (2009)
