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Media design at the Lab

Participant at laptop (AI-generated image)
The Learning Innovation Lab’s media team collaborates with learning designers and instructors to design and produce dynamic, impactful media.

Informed design

Our process begins with understanding the goals of the media requested. Achieving learning objectives is the foundation and driving force of our design work.

Visually-driven videos

The power of video comes from its ability to distill and illustrate complex ideas through imagery, sound, and montage. The most successful videos have a variety of visuals that keep the piece engaging while purposefully complementing the content.

Easy-to-digest material

Our goal is to communicate course concepts clearly and effectively. For animation work and audio-only pieces, this includes careful scripting to ensure concise and complete delivery of information.

Diverse formats

We develop a variety of compelling media, from interviews and multimedia case studies to animations and games. Working together with instructional technologists, we are also developing cutting-edge VR and Metaverse experiences.
