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May 24, 2023
Education and research

6 success factors in selecting an EdTech program

Today’s rapidly evolving business landscape has become more digital and connected.
| May 24, 2023
Puzzled African American woman shrugs shoulders and expresses uncertainty

Keeping up with technical developments in learning innovation and gaining new skills are crucial for organizational development, workforce development, and individual career success. Corporations are increasingly turning to educational technology (EdTech) to help their workforce remain competitive. They are choosing from online and hybrid learning programs that promise high-quality content, lower costs, and measurable impact, designed for teams working round the clock and around the world.

In a recent episode of the Campus 10178 podcast, we shared our insights on what differentiates EdTech programs and what learners should look for in choosing a program. What we believe: EdTech is a vital but single piece in the larger learning puzzle. In choosing a program, corporate buyers and executive learners must weigh the program characteristics that could make the best educational experience possible.

Take a holistic approach to learning innovation

Learning innovation is more than just EdTech – it is about creating transformational learning experiences. It embraces the idea of meeting learners where they are, moving workforce learning from its standardized and rigidly structured past to its adaptable, flexible, and responsive future. While technology is one aspect, novel pedagogies play a more critical role in activating learning. Look for a program that focuses on learner-centric design delivery, collaboration, and creativity.

Consider digital accessibility

With the shift towards a more digital and technology-enabled economy, digital learning should and can be made accessible to learners globally. Accessibility goes beyond formats of learning materials, accessibility of learning platforms, and assistive technologies. The goal of accessibility is to create an inclusive and equitable learning environment that fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment for all learners. Look for a program that values and demonstrates digital accessibility for all learners.

Collaboration is key

 Collaboration among learners, educators, technology providers, policymakers, and industry leaders is essential to ensure that learning innovation truly benefits the learner and creates real-world impact. Look for a program that builds on partnerships and that generates opportunities to learn from and network with experts from different fields as well as peers.

Stay current with trends and tools

The EdTech sector is fast-moving, and not just because of the work-from-home demands of the coronavirus pandemic or the buzz around Industry 4.0. Attending technology-empowered learning programs is a great way to engage with digital tools and frameworks which benefit one’s own productivity as well as collaboration with others. Innovative programs introduce learners to next-generation technologies that prepare them to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Look for a program that leverages cutting-edge tools and resources to deliver a truly tech-enabled education.

Impact measurement is important 

A well-designed and meaningful program thinks ahead to learning outcomes that will have long-lasting impact. Look for a program that measures the impact of its design and tools on the learning journey, that clearly states the learning objectives, and that provides opportunities for you to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning experiences.

Find a program that closely fits your needs

Despite the complex and dynamic nature of the EdTech sector, it should be easier than ever to find a program that fits your specific needs. Ask yourself what matters most to you and be clear on your goal. Is it about functional knowledge or professional qualification through self-paced learning? Is it competency building, where having a coach and like-minded peers via a hybrid learning program could enhance the experience? Look for a program that offers personalized learning experiences and allows you to tailor your education to your goals, interests, and ideal learning method.

Overall, for learners, when shopping for a technology-enhanced learning program, it is important to look for a program that takes a holistic approach to learning innovation, values digital accessibility, encourages collaboration, provides access to cutting-edge tools and resources, values impact measurement, and fits your goals and educational needs.


This article was originally published by Forbes on May 17, 2023, and republished with permission. 

Original publication by Forbes ↗︎
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Roselva Tunstall

Roselva Tunstall

Director, Learning Innovation Lab, ESMT Berlin