The energy system is undergoing a fundamental transformation â from fossil to renewable energy, from central power plants to distributed, decentralized generation facilities such as rooftop solar panels or wind parks, from utilities to private residents as producers of energy, and from analogue to digital.
Energy markets research at ESMT Berlin focuses on the opportunities that emerge with digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and AR/VR. Founders, startups and SMEs encounter lower barriers to entry, they test new business models and initiate partnerships with established players.
ESMT Berlin offers a broad portfolio of executive education formats to train and prepare managers for the transition into the new energy world, including open and customized programs, keynotes and hands-on workshops.
Research and publications (selection)
Decentralised Energy â a Global Game Changer, with A. Froggatt and C. Mitchell (eds.). Ubiquity Press (2020)
Economic Perspectives on Recommunalization in the Energy Sector. Notes internationals No. 215, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs CIDOP (2019)
Peer-to-Peer Trading and Blockchains: Enabling Regional Energy Markets and Platforms for Energy Transactions, with D. Shipworth, and F. Sioshansi. in Sioshansi, F. (2019), Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager: How Service Innovations will Disrupt the Utility Business Model, Academic Press
Vulnerabilities in smart meter infrastructure â can blockchain provide a solution?, with A. Trbovich, Dena/ESMT publications (2018)
The 3 Stages of a Country Embracing Renewable Energy. Harvard Business Review, online edition (2017)
Blockchain in the energy transition. A survey among decision-makers in the German energy industry, with A. Kuhlmann and P. Richard. Dena German Energy Agency/ESMT publications (2016)
How the âBig Beyondâ will change business models of utilities. Oxford Energy Forum, vol. 26 (2016)
European Utilities: Strategic Choices and Cultural Prerequisites for the Future. in Sioshansi, F. (2016), Future of Utilities â Utilities of the Future, Academic Press
Innovation Performance of the US American & European Electricity Supply Industry. Energy Policy, 11/2015, vol. 86 (2015)
The Decentralized Energy Revolution: Business Strategies for a New Paradigm. Palgrave-Macmillan (2013)
Keynotes and panels (selection)
Digital Transformation Technologies
Rethink HR Tech Berlin, November 27, 2019
The Multi-Tier Framework - MTF, from electricity access to appliances to impacts on development
Atelier Impact Socio-Eco de l'Electrification Décentralisée, La Fondation pour les études et recherches sur le développement international (Ferdi), November 13, 2019
Blockchain - from processes to platforms
Blockchain Summit 2019, The Republican Graduate School of Business & Management and The Westminster International University in Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 5, 2019
The decentralized energy revolution
Local Energy Supplies and Recommunalization of Utility Providers, CIDOB Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Barcelona, Spain, March 29, 2019
Energy transition in the Federal Republic of Germany: an evaluation and outlook
Energy transitions. A Global Challenge, Fundacion Naturgy, 12 March 12, 2019
Blockchain fĂŒr Gas- und Stromnetze â eine Illusion?
DVGW Congress, December 12, 2018
An analysis of existing applications - why proof-of-concepts are not making it to enterprise implementation
Digital Commodities Summit - London 2.0 Strategies to deliver mainstream market adoption for blockchain, IoT and AI, S&P Global Platts, November 12, 2018
Blockchain technology: How soon?
Innovation & Disruption at the Grid's Edge, Cornwall Insight, June 19, 2018
In the news (selection)
A Wake-up Call for the Corporate World
The European Business Review, March 29, 2020
Op-ed: The failure of privatization in the energy sector and why todayâs consumers are reclaiming power
Power Engineering, June 26, 2019
The failure of privatization in the energy sector and why today's consumers are reclaiming power
Renewable Energy World, June 26, 2019
Has blockchain matured beyond the hype?
Montel News, June 21, 2019
AIE: La importancia de la transiciĂłn energĂ©tica. Los desafĂos para Argentina
EnerNews, March 14, 2019
DW StudiogesprÀch zum Thema ElektromobilitÀt / Batteriezellenfertigung
Deutsche Welle, November 13, 2018
Blockchain: Downfall Or The Future Of utilities?
Forbes, April 10, 2018
Utilities step into blockchain to stay ahead of Europeâs energy shakeup
Reuters, March 23, 2018
Blockchain: Alles was ihr schon immer wissen wolltet, aber euch nie getraut habt zu fragen
Soundcloud Blindstrom - der Energiepodcast, March 13, 2018
Energiewende: Via Blockchain zum Ziel?
Berlin Valley, February 28, 2018
DW StudiogesprÀch zum Thema Diesel am Ende - alternative Antriebe
Deutsche Welle, January 2, 2018
Research Project ETIBLOGG
The energy market and the needs of consumers are changing constantly. Smart solutions and applications have become an indispensable part of that market. The ETIBLOGG (Energy Trading vIa Blockchain-Technology in the LOcal Green Grid) Project aims to develop blockchain-based solutions to make trading with even the smallest amounts of energy more efficient and faster.
On 1 April 2018, a consortium of twelve partners from industry and research received a support mandate by the German Ministry for Economy and Energy (Bundesministerium fĂŒr Wirtschaft und Energie = BMWi) as part of the technology support program âSmart Service Welt IIâ for this and several other application cases.
As part of the consortium, ESMT Berlin is analyzing new, Blockchain-based business models in the energy sector. Interviews are conducted with representatives of leading companies and startups that have already gained initial experience with the implementation of Blockchain technology at this early stage, including individual apps and open platforms.
ETIBLOGG is being funded for three years, from April 1, 2018, to March 31, 2021.
Executive Education
ESMT offers open enrollment, tailored programs and workshops for companies with the focus on digital transformation, competitive differentiation, tools for decision-making, and innovation in the new energy system.
Sample program topics:
- The international energy transformation â implications on corporate and business strategy
- Risk-attractiveness workshop on emerging market segment
- Innovation marketplace
- Blockchain-based business models in the energy sector
- Application workshop RPA (Robotic Process Automation) for energy executives
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in the energy sector
- Marketplace and ideation workshop new business models
Participant profiles:
- Directors, senior managers and top executives
- Middle management and high potentials
- From one day up to one week
- As single module or split over several modules
Customized programs for corporate clients (selection):
ENBW, E.ON, RWE, Siemens, Uniper
Regular teaching & input sessions on energy topics at/for institutions
Cornwall Energy/Chatham House, ESCP, HEC Paris, London Business School, KAPSARC