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Recruiting Events

Thank you for your interest in recruiting our talented students and graduates!

We are excited to announce the following upcoming events:

  • MBA Talent Forum: November 28, 2024
  • ESMT Career Fair: February 7, 2025

For more information and to register, please see the details below.

MBA Talent Forum

MBA Talent Forum, 28 November, 2024: Offered by Three Top German Business Schools!

We are co-hosting the upcoming MBA Talent Forum with WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management and HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, offering you a unique opportunity to connect with MBA professionals from three leading business schools in Germany!

  • Network and recruit from a pool of 100+ students enrolled in ESMT Berlin, WHU's and HHL's MBA programs
  • Engage with mid-to-senior professionals averaging 6 years of cross-functional experience across various industries 
  • Showcase your company and job opportunities

For further information please see our event brochure, and reach out to the Career Development Center to discuss the event over a call! 

To ensure your participation, please register by 10 August, 2024.

Register here

Agenda and Logistics


Location: ESMT Berlin – Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin

Participation fee: 1000 EUR 

Preliminary agenda

10:00 - 10:45     Arrival and booths set-up
10:45 - 11:15     Coffee break 
11:15 - 11:30     Welcome 
11:30 - 12:15     Round 1 - company presentations
12:15 - 12:30     Break
12:30 - 13:15     Round 2 - company presentations
13:15 - 14:15     Lunch
14:15 - 17:15     1:1 Speed interviews and company booths
17:15 - 17:30     Break 
17:30 - 18:00     Closing Remarks 

ESMT Career Fair

The next Career Fair will take place on 7 February, 2025

Are you seeking top-tier talent? Participate in the annual ESMT Career Fair to connect with our Master and MBA students and alumni!

  • Host a company booth to interact with candidates and promote career opportunities 
  • Hold 1:1 interviews with pre-selected candidates during a speed interview session 
  • Enhance your company's brand presence

Agenda and Logistics

Participation fee: 1000 EUR 

Further information will be announced soon. 

For any questions, please contact the Career Development Center

Your Audience


Average work experience: 0-3 years

Study focus: Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Global Management

Availability for hire: 

  • 1st-year students seek 3-6 month internship positions between April and September each year
  • 2nd-year students graduate in the summer after the fair and seek full-time positions

Full-time MBAs

Average work experience: 6 years

Study focus: Managerial Analytics, Strategic Leadership, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Availability for hire: 

  • 6-12 weeks internships starting July
  • Working student positions when applicable
  • Mid-senior roles from April 

Part-time MBAs

Average work experience: 8 years 

Study focus: Business transformation, digital innovation, agility, disruption and analytics

Availability for hire: With notice period

Global Online MBAs

Average work experience: 11 years

Study focus: Analytics and business innovation

Availability for hire: With notice period


Additional information about ESMT talent is available on the statistics page.

Career Fair Impressions

Hear from recruiters and partners about their experiences with ESMT talent and the benefits of attending our Career Fair.

The Career Development Center team is available to answer any questions about our recruiting events.