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ESMT Career Fair - Setup & Logistics

Career fair 2023 page

ESMT Career Fair - Setup & Logistics

Technical and logistical information for companies

Virtual Fair - 1 February, 2024

For the organization and execution of the first (virtual) day of the ESMT Career Fair, February 1, we are using Talentspace – a virtual platform tailored for Career Fairs and Hiring Events. Here, you have the opportunity to spotlight your company details, filter student profiles, arrange 1:1 interviews, and exclusively post job opportunities for attending students.

Once you have registered to attend either, or both days of the Career Fair, you will receive an invitation from Talentspace (please your check your spam folder) to log in. Begin the setup of your company profile, register for a company presentation slot, and extend invitations to your colleagues who will be participating in the event.



9 am – 1 pm Hold a 20-minute company presentation (limited slots, first-come, first-served basis)

2 – 5pm 1:1 Hold 15, 20, 30-minute 1:1 interviews with pre-selected students (pre-selection via Talentspace)


Your next steps:

  • Choose a 20-minute time slot to introduce your company, with slots available between 9 am and 1 pm (first-come, first-served). Use this time for a brief company presentation, providing an overview of your activities and specifying what you are seeking in a candidate
  • Set your availability for 1:1 interviews with pre-selected students. Opt for "selective booking" to have control over approving student requests for 1:1 chats as they come in
  • Post your job openings on the platform. This ensures students can request 1:1 chats with you based on their interest in your posted positions

Starting from mid-January you can begin exploring student profiles and start booking 1:1 interviews. In the meantime, please complete the steps listed above. 


Talentspace resources 

Phase I

How to set up your company profile

How to invite your colleagues

How to create a session (company presentation)

Phase II

How to find students on the talent database

How to schedule your 1:1 interviews

How to add job openings to your company profile

Technical set-up 

How to check your technical setup

How to test video formats

How to host a session (company presentation)


Please don’t hesitate to contact ESMT Career Development Center ( if you have any questions!

In-person Fair - 2 February, 2024

For the organization of the second (in-person) day of the ESMT Career Fair, February 2, we are using Talentspace – a platform tailored for Career Fairs and Hiring Events. Here, you have the opportunity to spotlight your company details, filter student profiles, arrange 1:1 interviews, and exclusively post job opportunities for attending students.

Once you have registered to attend either, or both days of the Career Fair, you will receive an invitation from Talentspace (please your check your spam folder) to log in. Begin the setup of your company profile, register for a company presentation slot, and extend invitations to your colleagues who will be participating in the event.


The in-person day of the Career Fair takes place at ESMT Campus, Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin.



8 am - 12 pm: Booth set-up 

9 am - 1 pm: Registration (Main reception, ground floor) 

9am – 12pm Hold 20-minute 1:1 interviews with pre-selected students (pre-selection via Talentspace)

12pm – 1pm Lunch (ESMT Restaurant)

1 – 5pm Host a company booth to interact with candidates and promote career opportunities

5pm – 7pm Official closing & drinks 


Shipping of material  

Materials should be delivered during the week of the fair. Kindly dispatch your materials to the provided address, clearly specifying your company name on the boxes:


ESMT Career Development Center - ESMT Career Fair 

Schlossplatz 1 

10178 Berlin 

Following the fair, please ensure the return shipment of your materials is arranged.


Your next steps

  • Set your availabilities for 1:1 interviews with preselected students. Opt for "selective booking" to have control over approving student requests for 1:1 chats as they come in
  • Post your job openings on the platform. This ensures students can request 1:1 chats with you based on their interest in your posted positions
  • Complete our logistics survey as soon as possible to provide information about your representatives and requirements, including furniture, equipment, interview rooms, parking, arrival time, and more.

Starting from mid-January you can begin exploring student profiles and start booking 1:1 interviews. In the meantime, please complete the steps listed above. 


Talentspace resources 

Phase I

How to set up your company profile

How to invite your colleagues

Phase II

How to find students on the talent database

How to schedule your 1:1 interviews

How to add job openings to your company profile


Please don’t hesitate to contact ESMT Career Development Center ( if you have any questions!
