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Under the auspices of Angela Merkel’s former chief economist Lars-Hendrik Röller, ESMT Berlin launches Berlin Global Dialogue, a high-level forum to shape the future of the global economy in times of fragmentation

Lars-Hendrik Röller, Angela Merkel’s former chief economic advisor and now professor of economics at ESMT, announces the launch of Berlin Global Dialogue. The new high-level forum provides a platform for global leaders from politics, business, and society as well as students and other young visionaries to discuss the future of the global economic order in times of fragmentation and transition. The inaugural summit will take place in Berlin from September 28-29, 2023.
Berlin | May 25, 2023
Berlin Global Dialogue at ESMT Berlin
  • Berlin Global Dialogue is a new forum uniting policy and business leaders from around the world to find joint solutions for a global economy under pressure. 

  • International business executives will engage with leading global political decision-makers as well as young voices. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has confirmed his participation in the Summit which takes place on September 28-29, 2023. 

  • The event, initiated by and hosted at ESMT Berlin, is non-profit, outcome-oriented, and backed by the world’s leading global corporations. 

“Multiple crises pose a fundamental challenge to international cooperation and the globalized economy as we know it,” Röller explains. “Geopolitical rifts, disrupted markets, trade disputes, and the climate crisis require decision-makers in politics and industry alike to find solutions for a world economy under immense pressure. We need to counter isolation and fragmentation and find common ground again. Berlin Global Dialogue unites leaders from East and West, South and North to shape a global economy in transition.” 

In hands-on interactive sessions, heads of state, ministers and policymakers, global CEOs, innovators, and young voices from all continents will meet at eye level and with equal weight. Together with notable state leaders, such as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the participants will discuss solutions to shape a new economic system in times of disintegration and geopolitical conflict to accelerate the transformation to a green economy and to create a just transition for all. The first Berlin Global Dialogue aims to start a long-term conversation, providing a 360-degree view of the world’s most pressing challenges. 

“Our multipolar world requires new perspectives and multilateral solutions. The Berlin Global Dialogue aims to provide substantial ideas for such cooperation – here in Berlin, a place that stands for reconciliation and unity,” says German Chancellor Olaf Scholz who will be a keynote speaker at Berlin Global Dialogue. 

Berlin Global Dialogue is not profit-oriented and is backed by the support from leading international corporations such as its principal partner Bank of America. “Berlin Global Dialogue will bring together vital perspectives from both the developed and emerging world and from across the generations. This will add important impetus to finding the path forward for a world in transition.”, says Bernard Mensah, president of international at Bank of America. 

The conference has been initiated by ESMT, one of Europe’s ten leading business schools, and will take place at its campus. The historical venue in the heart of Berlin fittingly represents transition from one era to another: Before its educational purpose, it was home to the former East German State Council as well as to the Federal Chancellery of unified Germany. The university setting inspires the vision of Berlin Global Dialogue to shape a global economy that ensures a sustainable future for the next generations. 

More information may be found here.



About Lars-Hendrik Röller 

Lars-Hendrik Röller was chief economic advisor to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel for ten years. He headed the economic and financial policy department at the chancellery and was responsible for negotiating the outcomes of G7 and G20 summits on behalf of the German government. Today, he is professor of economics at the ESMT in Berlin. 


About Berlin Global Dialogue 

The world is experiencing a historic moment of transition. Multiple crises require new forms of global collaboration between states, societies, and businesses.  

Berlin Global Dialogue is an innovative global summit that provides a platform to debate and promote solutions for global economic cooperation in times of fragmentation and transition. On 28-29 September 2023, decision-makers, thought leaders as well as young voices from across the globe will convene for an open and thought-provoking exchange at eye level in the heart of Berlin. Facilitated by innovative formats, this dialogue will help to form new alliances and inspire collaborative action.   


The partners of Berlin Global Dialogue 

Berlin Global Dialogue is proud to be backed by Bank of America, Allianz, ArcelorMittal, Google, Mercedes-Benz, Bayer, Clayton Dubilier & Rice, Deutsche Telekom, Egon Zehnder, Giesecke+Devrient, Investcorp, McKinsey & Company, Grenzebach and Voith. 


About ESMT Berlin

ESMT Berlin is a leading global business school with its campus in the heart of Berlin. Founded by 25 global companies, ESMT offers master, MBA, and PhD programs, as well as executive education on its campus in Berlin, in locations around the world, online, and in online blended format. Focusing on leadership, innovation, and analytics, its diverse faculty publishes outstanding research in top academic journals. Additionally, the international business school provides an interdisciplinary platform for discourse between politics, business, and academia. ESMT is a non-profit private institution of higher education with the right to grant PhDs and is accredited by AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS, and ZEvA. It is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion across all its activities and communities.
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