Engaged citizens often play an active role in knowledge generation, thus enriching the research process and bridging the gap between science and society. Drawing on a strong foundation of scholarship on crowd involvement, this book helps researchers recognize and understand the benefits and challenges of crowd involvement across key stages of the scientific process. Designed as a practical toolkit, it enables scientists to critically assess the potential of crowd participation, determine when it can be most effective, and implement it to achieve meaningful scientific and societal outcomes.
The book is structured into three key sections:
“The aim of our book is to provide a structured, evidence-based approach to involving crowds in research,” says Henry Sauermann. “We hope that the book will serve as a resource for scientists seeking to leverage the power of crowds but also for policymakers and funding agencies who want to better understand the changing research landscape.” Marion Poetz adds, “The frameworks and tools in the book have been developed and tested in research projects or workshops with various scientists and research groups. This has helped us develop an approach that is both easy to use and applicable across a wide range of disciplines and types of projects.”
Published by Edward Elgar Publishing, the book is open access and available in both print and digital formats here.
The book includes a companion website that includes additional materials and design tools at www.sciencewithcrowds.org.