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Olaf Scholz, Charles Michel, among others join international leaders from business and government at new economic forum Berlin Global Dialogue on September 28-29


Berlin Global Dialogue is:   ESMT Berlin and Lars-Hendrik Röller, previous chief economic advisor to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and professor of economics at ESMT, initiate the Berlin…

Olaf Scholz, Charles Michel und weitere internationale Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft und Politik beim neuen Wirtschaftsforum Berlin Global Dialogue am 28. und 29. September


Der Berlin Global Dialogue:  Die ESMT Berlin und Lars-Hendrik Röller, damaliger Wirtschaftsberater der ehemaligen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Professor of Economics an der ESMT, initiieren den…

Usain Bolt and the peril when your status rises too high


As Usain Bolt arrives in London for this year’s Olympics, question marks hang over the previously untouchable sprint star. He was beaten at the Jamaican trials by his young countryman Johan Blake in…

Matthias Qian joins ESMT Berlin


His research delves into the commercialization of new technologies in entrepreneurial ventures, with a keen emphasis on the strategic implications of artificial intelligence (AI). In his work, AI not…

Matthias Qian startet an der ESMT Berlin


Seine Forschung befasst sich mit der Kommerzialisierung neuer Technologien in unternehmerischen Unternehmungen mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf den strategischen Implikationen der künstlichen…

ESMT Berlin welcomes new faculty member


Oliver’s interests lie at the intersection of equity valuation, macroeconomics, and economic history. Some of his recent projects explore how macroeconomic developments affect managers’ and consumers…

ESMT Berlin begrüßt neues Mitglied im Lehrkörper


Olivers Interessen liegen an der Schnittstelle von Aktienbewertung, Makroökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Einige seiner jüngsten Projekte untersuchen, wie sich makroökonomische Entwicklungen auf…

Designing for impact: A results-driven perspective for executive education


As part of her development plan to take on this more challenging role, her manager has enrolled her in the organization’s mid-level manager training program. Jane is a believer in personal…

Disinformation as a Means of Hybrid Warfare

Faculty & Research

"We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous." With these words, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,…

ESMT Berlin holds benefit concert for Ukraine


The four musicians of the Klenke Quartett Beate Hartmann, Ruth Kaltenhäuser, Annegret Klenke, and Yvonne Uhlemann will perform the concert in the auditorium maximum, once the ballroom of the GDR…