Mert Callioglu
ESMT Research Associate and PhD Student
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Mert Callioglu is a Research Associate and PhD student at ESMT.
Mert has BSc degree from Bilkent University and MSc degree from Bogazici University, both in industrial engineering. His thesis includes an empirical analysis on online sales data and implications to pricing.
Previously, he worked as a team lead in an ecommerce SaaS company and was part of a global team at SAP.
His work at ESMT focuses on pricing analytics and management.
Mert has BSc degree from Bilkent University and MSc degree from Bogazici University, both in industrial engineering. His thesis includes an empirical analysis on online sales data and implications to pricing.
Previously, he worked as a team lead in an ecommerce SaaS company and was part of a global team at SAP.
His work at ESMT focuses on pricing analytics and management.
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