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DSI news

"Das ist totalitär, aber es war auch sehr effektiv"

April 7, 2020 | Welt
Sandro Gaycken, director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, is interviewed on how tracking mobile phones can be used to reduce the spread of coronavirus (metered paywall).

"Lockdown ja - aber nur für Gefährder!"

April 6, 2020 | Der Tagesspiegel
Martin Schallbruch, deputy director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, on how face masks and a smartphone app can help to ease the coronavirus lockdown.

Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin and Le CNAM to collaborate in cybersecurity research

March 16, 2020 | Press information
The DSI at ESMT Berlin and the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Security and Defense Research Laboratory (CNAM EESD) in Paris have agreed to a four-year partnership.

"Kein Lösegeld für Hacker"

March 4, 2020 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Martin Schallbruch, deputy director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, is quoted on cyber attacks on public institutions.

"Hier hat sich Huawei längst smart eingeschleust"

January 14, 2020 | WirtschaftsWoche
Martin Schallbruch was quoted in Wirtschaftswoche in an article about Huawei's development of smart cities in Germany.

"Experten warnen vor 'flächendeckender IT-Unsicherheit'"

December 12, 2019 reports on this week's committee hearing in the German Bundestag on "IT security," quoting Isabel Skierka as one of the experts.

"Abschottung ist nicht der richtige Weg"

December 12, 2019
Isabel Skierka attended a German Bundestag committee meeting as an expert on the topic of digital sovereignty.

"Das 5G-Netz und Huawei: Die Bundesregierung in der Klemme"

December 11, 2019
Isabel Skierka was interviewed for a radio broadcast by Deutschlandfunk Kultur on Europe's technological dependency on firms from the US and China.

"Auch demokratische Rechtsstaaten betreiben Wirtschaftsspionage"

December 10, 2019
Sandro Gaycken is interviewed by Handelsblatt on digital sovereignty and Europe's relationship to the US and China in the digital realm (metered paywall).

"Bessere Kontrolle für KI: Ein Tüv für Algorithmen muss her"

November 26, 2019
In Handelsblatt, Isabel Skierka discusses the need to standardize and regulate artificial intelligence.

"Kanzleramtschef: Huawei muss Sicherheitsanforderung für 5G-Netz nachweisen"

November 18, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is quoted by on 5G and Huawei.

"In der Zwickmühle"

November 11, 2019
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports on an expert hearing in the German Bundestag about 5G and Huawei, quoting Martin Schallbruch.

"Weitere Flops beim E-Government befürchtet"

November 7, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is quoted by c't in an article on the digitalization of Germany's public administration.

"DPC’s role regulating tech giants 'disproportionate'"

November 1, 2019
Sandro Gaycken is quoted by the Irish Examiner on the state's responsibility of regulating tech companies.

"Berlin steckt wegen Huawei in der Zwickmühle"

October 30, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is quoted by Süddeutsche Zeitung on the use of Huawei components in 5G infrastructure in Germany.