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2020 Nagymaros Conference (Virtual)

The  Nagymaros conference event, 2020

2020 Nagymaros Conference (Virtual)

Date: June 22-23
Time: 8:30–11:30am (PDT), 11:30am–2:30pm (EDT), 5:30–8:30pm (CET)
Where: Per Zoom


The Nagymaros Conference is an international conference on economic sociology (with a special focus on organizational sociology) – a core line of research within the organization and management field. It brings together a selected group of scholars from leading US, European and Asian institutions to discuss questions at the frontier of the field. Since its inception over two decades ago, it has been hosted every year by a different institution.

In 2020, given the current global pandemic, the event will be virtual and will therefore take place online from June 22nd to 23rd. ESMT Berlin will organize the event.

Event overview



This is the link to the downloadable program.


Monday, June 22

Note: the times are in PDT!



8:30-9:15 am

Plenary presentation

Patrick Bergemann and Brandy Aven

Whistle while you work? The relational determinants of reporting wrongdoing

9:15 -10:00 am

Plenary presentation

JP Ferguson

Same planet, different worlds? Spatial and institutional employment segregation by race in America 

10:00 -10:10 am

Short break

10:10-11:30 am



Cognition, categories, and meaning

  • Douglas Guibeault

    Micro categories, Macro ambiguities
  • Ingo Marquart, Nghi Truong and Matthew Bothner

    Using semantic networks to identify the meanings of leadership
  • László Pólos

    Partiality, coherence and inferencing


Formal modeling and simulation

  • Jose Arrieta and Chengwei Liu

    In search of contrarian opportunities from the blind spot of majority rule
  • Elisaveta Konovalova, Gaël Le Mens, Schöll

    Asymmetric feedback can contribute to more extreme opinions
  • J.O. Luukkonen, J. Denrell, and N. Chater

    Intellectual leveraging: Social learning may lead to larger populations but greater fragility


Hiring, promotion, and career advancement

  • Giacomo Negro, Balázs Kovács, and Glenn Carroll

    Winning changes everything: Grammys Awards and music artists' career
  • Abraham Oshotse

    Strategies for successful differentiation in cultural markets
  • Jennifer Merluzzi and Damon Phillips

    Who gets promoted? Specialization and early career mobility for professional managers


Innovation and market evolution

  • Frank van der Wouden, Gianluca Carnabuci, and Hyejin Youn

    Recombinant invention and the "adjacent possible": Evidence from nearly 2 centuries of US Patent data
  • Joshua Bruce and John de Figueiredo

    The innovative impact of government scientists
  • Olga Khessina, Cameron Verhaal, and Stanislav Dobrev

    Bottled up or poured out: How product name emotions affect appeal and authenticity in the market for craft beer


Tuesday, June 23



8:30-9:15 am

Plenary presentation

Susan Olzak, Ella Klahr Bunnell, Daria Tabia Lenz, and Carolina Sculti

Mobilization against police violence in US cities

9:15-10:00 am

Plenary presentation

Thomas Woiczyk and Gaël Le Men

Evaluating categories from experience: The simple averaging Heuristic

10:00-10:10 am


10:10-11:10 am



Cognition, categories, and meaning

  • Michele Piazzai

    Categorization and probability theory
  • Austin van Loon, Amir Goldberg, and Sameer Srivastava

    Multilevel construals, affective polarization, and intergroup dehumanization


Formal modeling and simulation

  • Yulia Litvinova, Min Liu, and Christina Guenther

    Exploring the dynamics of group level taken-for-grantedness: An agent-based model
  • Michael Ryall and Olav Sorenson

    Causal inference as an organizational problem and organizational culture as a solution


Hiring, promotion, and career advancement

  • Geoffrey Borchhardt, Balázs Kovács, and Michelle Rogan

    Knowledge leakage, institutional legitimacy, and competition in the selection of patent lawyer
  • Filippo Wezel and Martin Ruef

    Cracking the deck: National diversity, promotions, and absenteeism on the ships of the Dutch East India Company, 1700-1796
  • Anthony Vashevko

    The Matthew Effect as skill and strategy


Innovation and market evolution

  • Samira Reis, Olga Khessina, and Ying Li

    The role of cultural embeddedness in the co-evolution of the American movie theater industry and the TV programming market in 1944-1962
  • Görkem Aksaray, Badrinath Kottimukalur, and Anand Swaminathan

    Wealth loss and entrepreneurial entry
  • Adrian Apaza

    Understanding labeling and product evaluation: Audience Heterogeneity
11:10-11:30 am

Group discussion and wrap-up


Program committee

Member Affiliation

Elizabeth Pontikes (Chair)

University of California, Davis

Amanda Sharkey 

University of Chicago

Michele Piazzai

University of Amsterdam

Registration and important deadlines

Registration is by invitation only.

Attendance confirmation survey deadline

June 1, 2020
If you have questions concerning registration, please contact: Anna Emelianov or Melanie Seyffert

Important notice to all participants who had previously booked a hotel in Berlin:

Please don't forget to cancel your bookings as soon as possible, if you haven't already. As the conference will be virtual due to the COVID 19 pandemic, there won't be a need for the rooms.


How to join the meeting

As this will be a virtual event, please take note of the different time zones for the meeting as per your respective geographical region.

On both days, you would be able to join the conference meeting with this link.

For the password, please refer to your invitation email. If you did not receive this, please get in touch with our program managers, Anna and Melanie. See their contact information below

Sponsoring partners

ESMT Berlin