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“ETP not only builds confidence in making complex business decisions but also shapes well-rounded leaders committed to sustainable growth and impact.
The Executive Transition Program (ETP) equips participants with competence and confidence in making complex, cross-functional business decisions. What stands out, though, is that it focuses on shaping well-rounded leaders who focus on sustainable growth and impact above all. It really helps me to think about who I uniquely am and want to be, not just as a leader but as a human.
The program fosters a safe space for learning, growth, and lifelong connections, while the program team serves as a true role model for inclusive leadership and empowerment. The entire experience feels transformative, with stimulating learning moments that broaden your horizon and challenge you to think deeply about responsible business leadership.
Das ETP gab mir die Möglichkeit, zu lernen, zu experimentieren, mich weiterzuentwickeln und ein Netzwerk toller Leute aufzubauen.
ETP gave me the opportunity to learn, experiment, develop, and build a network of great people – while preparing for my transition.
Um die Zahl der weiblichen Führungskräfte zu erhöhen, vergibt ESMT Berlin zwei Vollstipendien und zwei Teilstipendien (im Wert von 14.250 €) für Frauen in Führungspositionen.
Mit Abschluss des Executive Transition Program erhalten Sie das Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Management, eine offizielle Anerkennung und Bestätigung Ihrer professionellen Weiterentwicklung.
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