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Publication records

Journal Article

Superstars in the making? The broad effects of interdisciplinary centers

Research Policy 47 (3): 543–557
Susan Biancani, Linus Dahlander, Daniel A. McFarland, Sanne Smith (2018)
Technology, R&D management
Organizations, universities, knowledge, networks, interdisciplinarity, centers
Many universities have developed large-scale interdisciplinary research centers to address societal challenges and to attract the attention of private philanthropists and federal agencies. However, prior studies have mostly shown that interdisciplinary centers relate to a narrow band of outcomes such as publishing and grants. Therefore, we shift attention to include outcomes that have been the centers mandate to influence - namely outreach to the media and private industry, as well as broader research endeavors and securing external funding. Using data covering Stanford University between 1993 and 2014, we study if being weakly and strongly affiliated with interdisciplinary centers in one year relates to and increases (1) knowledge production (publications, grants, and inventions), (2) instruction (numbers of students taught, PhDs, and postdocs advised), (3) intellectual prominence (media mentions, awards won and centrality within the larger collaboration network), and (4) the acquisition of various sources of funding in the next year. Our results indicate that interdisciplinary centers select productive faculty and increase their activity on a broad range of outcomes further, and in ways greater than departments and traditional interdisciplinary memberships, such as courtesy and joint appointments.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Willingness to rely on trust in global business collaborations: Context vs. demography

Journal of World Business 53 (3): 373–391
Francis Bidault, José de la Torre, Stelios H. Zanakis, Peter Smith Ring (2018)
Strategy and general management
Inter-organizational trust; Propensity to trust; Willingness to rely on trust; Trustworthiness; Contextual factors in trust; Demographic factors in trust; Contractual safeguards; International joint ventures (IJVs) and collaborations
JEL Code(s)
We examine how 712 executives from several countries, industries and backgrounds are willing to rely on trust (WTRT) when entering a collaborative venture where both partners are at risk. Presented with a specific partnership opportunity they were asked about the level of safeguards required to enter into an agreement. We test for the impact of contextual and demographic conditions and confirmed differences in WTRT between nationalities, but find that several contextual variables mediate this impact. Different nationalities treat three dimensions of trust (integrity, reliability, and benevolence) differently as they are shown to be time dependent. We conclude that context is as important as demography in determining an executive’s WTRT.
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Conference Proceeding

Bonding by rejecting: Organizations feedback to crowdsourced ideas

Academy of Management Global Proceedings Surrey (2018)
Henning Piezunka, Linus Dahlander (2018)
Big data
Organizations crowdsource ideas from individuals. Individuals whose ideas are not selected for implementation often stop to interact with the organization and submit not further ideas. We hypothesize that organizations can motivate newcomers to submit further ideas by providing a so far understudied form of feedback: rejections. We draw on theories of interaction rituals and matching to develop theory how rejections foster a bond between individuals and organizations. To test our theory we examine the crowdsourcing of 70,196 organizations who receive ideas from 962,570 individuals. We make use of difference in how rejections are written to disentangle the mechanisms how rejections affect individuals willingness to continue to interact with the organization. We discuss the implications for research on idea crowdsourcing, social bonding, and creative processes.
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

IT-Sicherheitsrecht – Abwehr von IT-Angriffen, Haftung und Ausblick [IT security law: Cyber sefense, liability, and perspectives]

Computer und Recht 34 (4): 215–224
Martin Schallbruch (2018)
Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Cybersecurity, information security, national security, legislation
This article describes the newly enacted or rewritten regulations for the defense against IT attacks as part of IT security law: first the relevant criminal offenses, then the powers of the police and intelligence services, then of the IT security authorities and Internet providers. At the end, the political statements for the 19th parliamentary term will be compared with the remaining need for action in IT security law. Furthermore, the future of IT security law will be discussed in the context of implementation, ongoing development and consolidation.
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
Conference Proceeding

You shall (not) pass: Who votes for whom in granting authority in online knowledge production communities?

Academy of Management Global Proceedings Surrey (2018)
Linus Dahlander, Helge Klapper, Henning Peizunka (2018)
Economics, politics and business environment
Research has examined who gains authority in knowledge production communities, but has neglected the community members granting authority. We ask: when do community members engage in the authority granting process and why do they support or oppose a candidate? We theorize that community members willingness to engage in the authority granting process depends on their task similarity. We depart from earlier literature by arguing that task similarity is a two-edged sword as a source of support and opposition, which we explain is related to strategic considerations of the voter. Using a unique dataset of all Wikipedia elections from 2003 to 2014, we study when community members vote and whether they vote in favor or against candidates standing for election for administrator positions.
ISSN (Print)
Book Chapter

Russia: Leadership in Russia: Between hero and victim

In Global leadership perspectives: Insights and analysis, edited by Simon Western, Éric-Jean Garcia, 129–136. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
Ekaterina Belokoskova-Mikhaylova, Konstantin Korotov, Irena Izotova (2018)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Leadership, Russia, Russian leadership
Secondary Title
Global leadership perspectives: Insights and analysis
ISBN (Online)
Conference Proceeding

The governance of safety and security risks in connected healthcare

IET Conference & Seminar Publications CP740
Isabel Skierka (2018)
Health and environment; Information technology and systems
Medical devices, e-health, IoT, governance, cybersecurity, safety

Schwacher Staat im Netz: Wie die Digitalisierung den Staat in Frage stellt [The weak state on the internet: How digitalization puts the state into question]

Berlin: Springer
Martin Schallbruch (2018)
Economics, politics and business environment; Ethics and social responsibility; Information technology and systems; Technology, R&D management
Digital strategy, digitalization, cybersecurity, digital law, digital government
JEL Code(s)
H11, H40, H77, O38
ISBN (Online)
Journal Article

Is the confidence gap between men and women a myth?

Harvard Business Review
Laura Guillén (2018)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Confidence appearance, gender, influence, job performance
ISSN (Print)
Magazine article

Better corporate governance can end slavery in supply chains

Corporate Knights 17 Spring 2018 (2): 32–33
Joanna Radeke, Tammi L. Coles (2018)
Ethics and social responsibility; Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Corporate governance, human rights, modern slavery, supply chains
17 Spring 2018
Journal Pages