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Publication records


Expert's Opinion: Giving feedback to dark triad leaders

In Fair talk: Three steps to powerful feedback, 138–139. London: LID Publishing Ltd.
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Feedback, Dark Triad, leadership
Secondary Title
Fair talk: Three steps to powerful feedback
ESMT White Paper

Financial market integration in the EU: A practical inventory of benefits and hurdles in the Single Market

ESMT White Paper No. WP-19-01
Katharina Gnath, Benjamin Grosse Rueschkamp, Christian Kastrop, Dominic Ponattu, Jörg Rocholl, Marcus Wortmann (2019)
Economics, politics and business environment; Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Financial integration, single market, European integration, free movement of capital
JEL Code(s)
F21, F33, F36, G21, G28
It is 25 years since the European Union (EU) agreed to complete the European Single Market (SM) in goods, services, people, and capital. While many barriers to the free movement of capital across borders have been removed, some important practical hurdles are still in place. The euro crisis has shown that the European financial sector in particular remains vulnerable and fragmented and this poses serious risks to the stability of both national economies and the euro area as a whole. In 2015, the European Commission therefore set out a list of measures to establish an integrated capital market in the EU by 2019.
The first part of this policy paper analyzes the channels through which financial integration affects growth, stability, and convergence in the EU, including capital allocation, production specialization, diversification of risk, and access to investment opportunities. The second part takes stock of persisting administrative and legal hurdles that impede full market integration. In particular, this paper distinguishes between a firm-level perspective, investors, and banks in its analysis. The final part provides some specific recommendations to improve the internal market for capital in the EU.
Journal Pages
ISSN (Print)
Book Chapter

Peer-to-Peer trading and blockchains: Enabling regional energy markets and platforms for energy transactions

In Consumer, prosumer, prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the utility business model, 1st ed.,27–52. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.
David Shipworth, Christoph Burger, Jens Weinmann, Fereidoon Sioshansi (2019)
Economics, politics and business environment; Strategy and general management; Technology, R&D management
Peer-to-peer trading, business model, blockchain technology, transactive energy, regional energy markets, platforms, decentral energy generation
Secondary Title
Consumer, prosumer, prosumager: How service innovations will disrupt the utility business model
1st ed.,
ISBN (Online)
Book Chapter

Leadership development: A challenge for Russia

In The life of Russian business: (Re)cognizing, (re)activating and (re)configuring institutions, edited by Tomas Casas I Klett, Yuliya Ponomareva, 283–285. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Leadership development, Russia, Russian HR practices
This chapter summarizes the need to transfer leadership development in Russian organizations from the hands of HR to senior executives and boards.
Secondary Title
The life of Russian business: (Re)cognizing, (re)activating and (re)configuring institutions
ISBN (Online)
Journal Article

Risk preferences and development revisited

Theory and Decision 86 (1): 1–21
Ferdinand M. Vieider, Peter Martinsson, Pham Khanh Nam, Nghi Truong (2019)
Economics, politics and business environment; Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Risk preferences, development, prospect theory
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Pathways to intercultural accuracy: Social projection processes and core cultural values

European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (1): 47–62
Shira Mor, Claudia Toma, Martin Schweinsberg, Daniel Ames (2019)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Accuracy, social projection, cultural values, collectivistic vs. individualistic value
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
Conference Proceeding

In­sights into the mind of a tro­jan de­si­gner: The chal­len­ge to in­te­gra­te a tro­jan into the bit­stream

ASPDAC'19 Proceedings
Maik Ender, Pawel Swierczynski, Sebastian Wallat, Matthias Wilhelm, Paul Martin Knopp, Christof Paar (2019)
Information technology and systems
Hardware reverse engineering, malicious design modifications, embedded systems security
The thre­at of in­s­er­ting hard­ware Tro­jans du­ring the de­sign, pro­duc­tion, or in-field poses a dan­ger for in­te­gra­ted cir­cuits in re­al-world ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. A par­ti­cu­lar cri­ti­cal case of hard­ware Tro­jans is the ma­li­cious ma­ni­pu­la­ti­on of third-par­ty FPGA con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons. In ad­di­ti­on to at­tack vec­tors du­ring the de­sign pro­cess, FPGAs can be in­fil­tra­ted in a non-in­va­si­ve man­ner after ship­ment through al­te­ra­ti­ons of the bit­stream. First, we pre­sent an im­pro­ved me­tho­do­lo­gy for bit­stream file for­mat re­ver­sing. Se­cond, we in­tro­du­ce a novel idea for Tro­jan in­s­er­ti­on.
Journal Pages
Book Chapter

Intermediation in online advertising

In Sharing economy: Making supply meet demand, 1st ed., 6 vols. edited by Ming Hu, 505–528. Basel: Springer International Publishing.
Santiago R. Balseiro, Ozan Candogan, Huseyin Gurkan (2019)
Information technology and systems; Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods; Product and operations management
Secondary Title
Sharing economy: Making supply meet demand
1st ed.,
ISBN (Online)
Magazine article

Are you on a collision course with a workplace rival?

Management Magazine February: 10
Henning Piezunka, Wonjae Lee, Richard Haynes, Matthew S. Bothner (2019)
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
Competition, conflict, social networks, status, tournaments
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Did Europe move in the right direction on e-waste legislation?

Production and Operations Management 28 (1): 121–139
Shumail Mazahir, Vedat Verter, Tamer Boyaci, Luk N. Van Wassenhove (2019)
Product and operations management
Legislation, product recovery, remanufacturing, recycling, end-of-life products
This paper presents an analytical framework of the product take back legislation in the context of product reuse. We characterize existing and proposed forms of E-waste legislation and compare their environmental and economic performance. Using stylized models, we analyze an OEM’s decision about new and remanufactured product quantity in response to the legislative mechanism. We focus on the 2012 waste electrical and electronic equipment directive in Europe, where the policy-makers intended to create additional incentives for the product reuse. Through a comparison to the original 2002 version of the directive, we find that these incentives translate into improved environmental outcomes only for a limited set of products. We also study a proposed policy that advocates a separate target for the product reuse. Our analysis reveals that from an environmental standpoint, the recast version is always dominated either by the original policy or by the one that advocates a separate target for the product reuse. We show that the benefits of a separate reuse target scheme can be fully replicated with the aid of fiscal levers. Our main message is that there can not be a single best environmental policy that is suitable for all products. Therefore, the consideration of product attributes is essential in identification of the most appropriate policy tool. This can be done either by the implementation of different policies on each product category or by implementation of product based target levels.
© 2018 Production and Operations Management Society
Journal Pages