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Publication records

Journal Article

Trust and creativity: Understanding the role of trust in creativity-oriented joint developments

R&D Management 39 (3): 259–270
Francis Bidault, Alessio Castello (2009)
Technology, R&D management
joint innovation, co-development partnerships, trust, creativity, innovativeness
JEL Code(s)
M10, M16
In this article we report on the design, prototyping and results of a research effort aimed at identifying whether and how trust affects the innovativeness of a partnership between two players. The methodology combined an experiment and two questionnaires. The research aimed to increase our understanding of trust and its impact on the innovative outcome of cooperation and to derive some guidance for economic actors, namely R&D managers and executives who intend to build innovation-oriented relationships with their business partners. Specifically, we investigated the effect of trust on partners' creativity and willingness to invest financially in a joint development. Our results show that more trustful partners invest higher amounts in the alliance, while there seems to be an optimum amount of mutual trust between partners who maximize their joint creativity and innovativeness; if the level of mutual trust is below or above this threshold, their joint creativity seems to increase less or even to decrease. Our findings suggest that joint development projects should always include explicit trust development activities at the beginning of the project, and that the amount of trust in the joint team should be monitored to avoid the negative consequences of excessive trust.
© 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Journal Pages

Бес мечты [The devil of the dream]

Sekret Firmy 5 (286)
Konstantin Korotov, Dmitry Lisitsin (2009)
Human resources management/organizational behavior; Strategy and general management
executive coaching, leadership, leadership development
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Ein spannendes Feld - Private Equity: Wo steht die Forschung?

VentureCapital Magazin 5: 78–79
Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Understanding creativity: The manager as artist

Business Strategy Review 20 (2): 68–73
Jörg Reckhenrich, Martin Kupp, Jamie Anderson (2009)
Strategy and general management
creativity, strategy, decision making, innovation
"Think outside the box" is the slogan of countless creativity experts who rightly connect creative thinking to corporate innovation. Jörg Reckhenrich, Martin Kupp and Jamie Anderson advocate, instead, that you think outside the canvas. A review of the thinking of the German artist, Joseph Beuys, shows how managers can unleash bold new ideas.
© 2009 The Author Journal compilation © 2009 London Business School
Journal Pages
Book Chapter

Economic analysis in EU competition cases

In Economic theory and competition law, edited by Josef Drexl, Laurence Idot, Joel Monéger, 3–19. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Economics, politics and business environment
EC competition policy, merger, economic methods
JEL Code(s)
L41, L42, K21
Secondary Title
Economic theory and competition law
978 1 84720 631 2
ESMT Case Study

The Rare Find (A)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-809-0053-1
start-up, career planning, South Africa, real estate, entrepreneurship, fractional ownership, marketing, marketing communications, financial planning & budgeting, business planning, career planning, work-life balance, dual careers, venture capital
During the last two weeks of December 2005, the four founding partners of the Rare Find, based in Cape Town, South Africa, were all on the road following up business ideas. Nearly all of these ideas had resulted from a well-placed magazine article in one of the South Africa's leading real estate publications several months earlier.
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ESMT Case Study

The Rare Find (B)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-809-0054-1
start-up, career planning, South Africa, real estate, entrepreneurship, fractional ownership, marketing, marketing communications, financial planning & budgeting, business planning, career planning, work-life balance, dual careers, venture capital
The Christmas break had provided some badly needed time for the four partners to check some of their initial assumptions and conclusions about how to realize the Lifestyle Portfolio opportunity. While still committed to the basic directions set earlier, they had nevertheless agreed to check the financial implications of some key alternatives.
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ESMT Case Study

The Rare Find (C)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-809-0055-1
start-up, career planning, South Africa, real estate, entrepreneurship, fractional ownership, marketing, marketing communications, financial planning & budgeting, business planning, career planning, work-life balance, dual careers, venture capital
In early January 2006, the four partners knew that if any changes were made in the approach they had been taking in the months before Christmas (see The Rare Find A), they would also have to make some changes in the December draft of their marketing brochure.
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ESMT Case Study

The Rare Find (D)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-809-0056-1
start-up, career planning, South Africa, real estate, entrepreneurship, fractional ownership, marketing, marketing communications, financial planning & budgeting, business planning, career planning, work-life balance, dual careers, venture capital
The conversations the four partners had in early January about the Lifestyle Portfolio Project had highlighted the essence of the trade-offs between potential benefits and rewards to fractional owners, financial investors, if there were to be any, and themselves.
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Book Chapter

Wettbewerb, Strategie und Regulierung: eine europäische Perspektive

In Globalisierung aus unternehmensstrategischer Sicht, edited by Clemens Börsig, Axel von Werder, 181–186. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.
Economics, politics and business environment
Secondary Title
Globalisierung aus unternehmensstrategischer Sicht