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ESMT Working Paper

Enjoy! Assertive language and consumer compliance in (non)hedonic contexts

ESMT Working Paper No. 09-007
Ann Kronrod, Amir Grinstein, Luc Wathieu (2009)
assertive message, consumer compliance, hedonic consumption, utilitarian consumption, forceful language, persuasion, freedom of choice, reactance
JEL Code(s)
D18, M37
This paper is concerned with the tension between consumer persuasion and freedom of choice. We study how assertive language (as in the slogan Just do it!) affects consumer compliance in hedonic vs. utilitarian contexts. Previous literature consistently claimed that forceful language would cause reactance and decreased compliance. However, we find in four studies that assertive persuasion is effective in contexts involving hedonic goods and hedonically framed utilitarian goods. Our hypotheses emerge from sociolinguistic research and confirm the relevance of linguistic research in consumer behavior.


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ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

How incumbent firms foster consumer expectations, delay launch but still win the markets for next generation products

Quantitative Marketing and Economics 7 (4): 445–481
Sumitro Banerjee, Miklos Sarvary (2009)
R&D competition, patents, new product research, speed-to-market, consumer learning, expectations, diffusion of innovation
JEL Code(s)
M30, M31, C72
Journal Pages
Journal Article

L'Europe face aux investissement souverains

Revue D'Economie Financière 9 (Hors-série): 439–454
Lars-Hendrik Röller, Nicolas Véron (2009)
Economics, politics and business environment
European Union
JEL Code(s)
F30, G28, G29, N24
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Print)
Book Chapter

Leadership Coaching in Executive Education Programmen [Leadership coaching in executive education programs]

In Praxis der Wirtschaftspsychologie, edited by Torsten Brandenburg, Meinald T. Thielsch, 251–266. Münster: Monsenstein und Vannerdat.
Human resources management/organizational behavior
leadership coaching, executive education, leadership development, business schools, executive MBA
Secondary Title
Praxis der Wirtschaftspsychologie
Journal Article

Stock rationing in an M/Er/1 multi-class make-to-stock queue with backorders

IIE Transactions 41 (12): 1096–1109
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Francis de Véricourt, Fikri Karaesmen (2009)
Product and operations management
Inventory rationing, optimal control, queuing theory
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Using imperfect advance demand information in production-inventory systems with multiple customer classes

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 11 (1): 128–143
2011 Best Paper Award
Jean-Philippe Gayon, Saif Benjaafar, Francis de Véricourt (2009)
Product and operations management
advance demand information, production-inventory systems, inventory rationing, make-to-stock
We consider a make-to-stock supplier that operates a production facility with limited capacity. The supplier receives orders from customers belonging to several demand classes. Some of the customer classes share advance demand information with the supplier by announcing their orders ahead of their due date. However, this advance demand information is not perfect because the customer may decide to order prior to or later than the expected due date or may decide to cancel the order altogether. Customer classes vary in their demand rates, expected due dates, cancellation probabilities, and shortage costs. The supplier must decide when to produce and, whenever an order becomes due, whether or not to satisfy it from on-hand inventory. Hence, the supplier is faced with a joint production-control and inventory-allocation problem. We formulate the problem as a Markov decision process and characterize the structure of the optimal policy. We show that the optimal production policy is a state-dependent base-stock policy with a base-stock level that is nondecreasing in the number of announced orders. We show that the optimal inventory-allocation policy is a state-dependent multilevel rationing policy, with the rationing level for each class nondecreasing in the number of announced orders (regardless of whether the class provides advance information). From numerical results, we obtain several insights into the value of advance demand information for both supplier and customers.
© 2009 INFORMS
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Лидерство: Издержки профессии [Leadership: The costs of the profession]

Harvard Business Review Russia 54 (12)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
leadership, leadership development
Book Chapter

Organizational culture, leadership, change and stress

In International handbook of work and health psychology, edited by Cary L. Cooper, James Campbell Quick, Marc J. Schabracq, 411–426. London: Wiley-Blackwell.
Manfred Kets de Vries, Laura Guillén Ramo, Konstantin Korotov (2009)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
organizational culture, leadership, change management, stress
Secondary Title
International handbook of work and health psychology
Journal Article

Decentralized resource allocation to control an epidemic: A game theoretic approach

Mathematical Biosciences 222 (1): 1–20
Shouqiang Wang, Francis de Véricourt, Peng Sun (2009)
Product and operations management
epidemic control, game theory, optimization
This paper examines how two countries would allocate resources at the onset of an epidemic when they seek to protect their own populations by minimizing the total number of infectives over the entire time horizon. We model this situation as a game between selfish countries, where players strategically allocate their resources in order to minimize the total number of infected individuals in their respective populations during the epidemic. We study this problem when the initial number of infectives is very small, which greatly simplifies the analysis. We show in this framework that selfish countries always allocate their resources so as to bring the effective reproduction ratio below one and avoid a major outbreak. When a major outbreak is avoidable, we further identify the necessary and sufficient conditions under which the individual allocation decisions of selfish countries match the decision that a central planner would make in order to minimize the total number of infectives in the whole population (without distinguishing between countries).
With permission of Elsevier
Journal Pages
Journal Article

Selfish drug allocation for containing an international influenza pandemic at the onset

Operations Research 57 (6): 1320–1332
Peng Sun, Liu Yang, Francis de Véricourt (2009)
Management sciences, decision sciences and quantitative methods
epidemic control, influenza, Reed-Frost model, supermodular games
Recent epidemiologic studies have suggested that the prophylactic use of antiviral drugs or imperfect vaccines could slow down the spread of an influenza epidemic. Since drug stockpiles are presently scattered in different countries, the outbreak of an epidemic gives rise to a game in which each country must make decisions about how best to allocate its own stockpile in order to protect its population. We develop a two-period multivariate Reed-Frost model to represent the spread of the epidemic within and across countries at its onset. Our model captures three critical sources of uncertainty: the number of initial infections, the spread of the disease, and drug efficacy. We show that for small between-country infection rates, the underlying game is supermodular and that a unique Pareto optimal Nash equilibrium exists. In this equilibrium, some countries give up all their drugs to protect the population where the epidemic first appeared, while all others keep their stockpiles for themselves. Further, we identify sufficient conditions under which the optimal solution of a central planner (such as the World Health Organization) constitutes a Pareto improvement over the decentralized equilibrium, suggesting that countries could agree on an allocation scheme which would benefitt everyone. By contrast, when the central planner's solution does not constitute a Pareto improvement, minimizing the total number of infected persons globally requires some countries to sacrifice part of their own population, which raises intriguing ethical issues. Preliminary numerical studies also indicate that similar results hold for the duration of the pandemic, with the difference that countries seem willing to give up their drug stockpiles for more sets of parameters than in the two-period case.
© 2009 INFORMS
Journal Pages