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ESMT Case Study

Barenboim: Adaptive leadership (B)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-410-0108-1
Ulf Schäfer, Konstantin Korotov (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
adaptive leadership, leadership, adaptive change;change, resistence to change
The four-part case study (text cases A, B, C, and video case D) illustrates key concepts and lessons about leading adaptive change in the context of some extra-musical initiatives of Berlin-based and world-famous conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim. The case illustrates the challenges associated with resistance to adaptive change, understanding of stakeholders, management of conflicts, and the psychological challenges of leading unpopular, although important, change efforts under the conditions of pressure from various affected parties, who consciously or unconsciously attempt to divert the change-oriented leader from pushing forward. The case serves as fruitful ground for exploration of the theory of adaptive change (as put forward by Heifetz and Linsky), discussion of the dangers of leading, and psychological challenges of leading.
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ESMT Case Study

Barenboim: Adaptive leadership (C)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-410-0109-1
Ulf Schäfer, Konstantin Korotov (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
adaptive leadership, leadership, adaptive change;change, resistence to change
The four-part case study (text cases A, B, C, and video case D) illustrates key concepts and lessons about leading adaptive change in the context of some extra-musical initiatives of Berlin-based and world-famous conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim. The case illustrates the challenges associated with resistance to adaptive change, understanding of stakeholders, management of conflicts, and the psychological challenges of leading unpopular, although important, change efforts under the conditions of pressure from various affected parties, who consciously or unconsciously attempt to divert the change-oriented leader from pushing forward. The case serves as fruitful ground for exploration of the theory of adaptive change (as put forward by Heifetz and Linsky), discussion of the dangers of leading, and psychological challenges of leading.
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ESMT Case Study

Barenboim: Adaptive leadership (D)

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-410-0110-3
Ulf Schäfer, Konstantin Korotov (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
adaptive leadership, leadership, adaptive change;change, resistence to change
The four-part case study (text cases A, B, C, and video case D) illustrates key concepts and lessons about leading adaptive change in the context of some extra-musical initiatives of Berlin-based and world-famous conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim. The case illustrates the challenges associated with resistance to adaptive change, understanding of stakeholders, management of conflicts, and the psychological challenges of leading unpopular, although important, change efforts under the conditions of pressure from various affected parties, who consciously or unconsciously attempt to divert the change-oriented leader from pushing forward. The case serves as fruitful ground for exploration of the theory of adaptive change (as put forward by Heifetz and Linsky), discussion of the dangers of leading, and psychological challenges of leading.
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ESMT Case Study

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra

ESMT Case Study No. ESMT-410-0111-3
Bülent Gögdün, Ulf Schäfer (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
Leadership, leading experts, leading clever people, leading in flat organizations, followership, non-hierarchical leadership, distributed leadership, shared leadership, team, self-governing teams, leadership in matrix organizations, leadership in network organizations, leadership rotation, leadership as a process, trust-control relationships
The 15-minute video case study presents the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, a world-renown orchestra that works without a conductor and is thus very different from almost every other orchestra of its size in the world. The musicians are responsible for jointly developing the interpretation of a piece of music. Everybody is asked to contribute to this process. The orchestra members are rotated frequently, so that everybody is a soloist or section leader at times, in the "tutti" at other times. Put differently, every musician is a leader at times, a follower at other times. The case study is showing how the orchestra works in the context of workshops with executives from the corporate world. The case focuses on contributions by the musicians of Orpheus, outlining the vision, the process of work, and the underlying values shared by the orchestra members. The case illustrates principles of shared, distributed leadership and thus sheds light on traditional, hierarchical concepts of leadership and aspects of leadership and teamwork.
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ESMT Working Paper

Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage: Overcoming the trust barrier

ESMT Working Paper No. 10-006
Shuili Du, CB Bhattacharya, Sankar Sen (2010)
Ethics and social responsibility; Strategy and general management
Corporate social responsibility, competitive strategy, challenger brand, affective trust
This research builds on the complementary corporate social responsibility (CSR) literatures in strategy and marketing to provide insight into the efficacy of CSR as a challenger's competitive weapon against a market leader. Through an investigation of a real world CSR initiative, we show that the challenger can reap superior business returns among consumers who had participated in its CSR initiative, relative to those who were merely aware of the initiative. Specifically, participant consumers demonstrate the desired attitudinal and behavioral changes in favor of the challenger, regardless of their affective trust in the leader, whereas aware consumers' reactions become less favorable as their affective trust in the leader increases. Furthermore, participation, unlike mere awareness, transforms the nature of the consumer-challenger relationship from a transactional one to a communal, trust-based one.


View all ESMT Working Papers in the ESMT Working Paper Series here. ESMT Working Papers are also available via SSRN, RePEc, EconStor, and the German National Library (DNB).

ISSN (Print)
Journal Article

Marketing's consequences: Stakeholder marketing and supply chain CSR issues

Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4): 617–641
CB Bhattacharya, N. Craig Smith, Guido Palazzo (2010)
marketing, supply chain, CSR communication, stakeholder marketing, fair trade
Journal Pages
ISSN (Online)
ISSN (Print)

The unequal effect of new banking rules in Europe

Bruegel Policy Contribution 2010/10: 1–13
Benedicta Marzinotto, Jörg Rocholl (2010)
Economics, politics and business environment; Finance, accounting and corporate governance
Journal Pages
Working Paper

Developing leaders and leadership development

INSEAD Working Paper No. 2010/77/EFE/IGLC
Manfred Kets de Vries, Konstantin Korotov (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
leader and leadership development, distributed leadership, network building, boundaryless organizations, talent management, corporate universities
A pdf file of this working paper may be available at INSEAD.
Working Paper

Transformational leadership development programs: Creating long-term sustainable change

INSEAD Working Paper No. 2010/75/EFE/IGLC
Manfred Kets de Vries, Konstantin Korotov (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
group work, 360-degree assessments, emotional intelligence, reflective space, leadership development, transformation, motivational need systems, clinical paradigm
A pdf file of this working paper may be available at INSEAD.
Journal Article

Discussing values in executive education: From "non-discussable" to learning management of meaning

Training and Management Development Methods 24 (4): 3.15–3.21
Konstantin Korotov, Ulf Schäfer (2010)
Human resources management/organizational behavior
values, leadership, executive education
This paper explains how the authors have successfully integrated values, guiding principles, codes of conduct and other intangible elements of organizational culture into executive-education programmes.The paper highlights the problems of integrating values, guiding principles, codes of conduct and other intangible elements of organizational culture in executive-education programs and suggests how a Leading for Values workshop can be designed and conducted to overcome these problems.
With permission of Emerald
Journal Pages