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Akinlolu Adedayo Ayo-Vaughan; ESMT Berlin

"European business school alumni share relocation experiences"

December 9, 2019
In the Financial Times, ESMT 2019 MBA graduate Akinlolu Adedayo Ayo-Vaughan shares his experiences of studying in Berlin.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Deutsche Business Schools liegen im Trend"

December 9, 2019
Handelsblatt reported on the latest results of the Financial Times European Business School Ranking that placed ESMT first in Germany and ninth in Europe.
ESMT Berlin #1 in Germany

Financial Times ranks ESMT Berlin #1 in Germany

December 9, 2019 | Press release
In the Financial Times European Business School Ranking 2019, ESMT Berlin is ranked ninth in Europe and first in Germany, well ahead of all other business schools based in the country.

"Overseas MBA Applications to Europe Resilient Despite Immigration Concerns"

December 5, 2019
Find MBA quotes Nick Barniville in an article about the state of MBA applications in Europe.
Süddeutsche Zeitung

"Deutsche-Wohnen-Chef: Politik hat Urbanisierung verschlafen"

December 5, 2019
Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on the ESMT Open Lecture with Michael Zahn, where he spoke about the economy and current changes in its socio-political environment.
Find MBA logo

"Tech MBAs Help Students Win Big Tech Jobs"

December 4, 2019
Rick Doyle is quoted on FIND MBA in an article on how MBA programs help students develop technology and data competencies.
Financial Times Logo

"To the escape room! How business schools are embracing games"

December 2, 2019
ESMT Berlin uses 'escape games' in teaching sessions to simulate real-life situations and facilitate learning as reported by the Financial Times.
Poets & Quants Logo

"ESMT Berlin Enters The Online MBA Game"

November 30, 2019
The new part-time blended MBA, constisting of 80 percent online and 20 percent face-to-face content, to be offered by ESMT Berlin next year is featured in a Poets&Quants article.

"ESMT mit neuem Online-MBA"

November 29, 2019
MBA Journal features ESMT Berlin's new part-time blended MBA that is going to be launched in September 2020.

"Europe’s Top B-Schools For Masters In Management (MIM) Degrees"

November 28, 2019
CEO World ranks ESMT Berlin's MIM program among the top 3 in Europe.
Isabel Skierka, ESMT

"Bessere Kontrolle für KI: Ein Tüv für Algorithmen muss her"

November 26, 2019
In Handelsblatt, Isabel Skierka discusses the need to standardize and regulate artificial intelligence.

"Europäische Kommission fördert das Projekt EQUAL4EUROPE"

November 26, 2019
ESMT was mentioned in an article by SHE works! as one of the recipients of the European Commission's €3 million grant to promote gender equality in academic research.

ESMT Berlin first triple-accredited business school in Germany to launch blended MBA program

November 26, 2019 | Press release
ESMT Berlin will offer a part-time blended MBA program, consisting of 80 percent online and 20 percent face-to-face content, starting in September 2020.

"Dreaming Up A World – How Luxury Brands Create Desire"

November 20, 2019
In Forbes, Hannes Gurzki discusses the challenges of building and maintaining a luxury brand based on his latest research.

"Kanzleramtschef: Huawei muss Sicherheitsanforderung für 5G-Netz nachweisen"

November 18, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is quoted by on 5G and Huawei.