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"Welche Managementtheorien wichtig bleiben"

March 12, 2020 | Manager Magazin
ESMT President Jörg Rocholl gives an overview on the most important trends in management theory over the last 40 years.
Jan Nimczik, ESMT Berlin

"Herz-Stiftung vergibt 200 000 Euro an Arbeitsmarktökonomen"

March 12, 2020 | Süddeutsche Zeitung/dpa
Jan Nimczik, assistant professor of economics at ESMT, is mentioned as one of the winners of the German Prize for Economics.
Ethney Kibet Kiprop

"If you’re looking to join a social business project, choose one that you are passionate about"

March 11, 2020 | Medium
ESMT MBA alumnus Ethney Kibet Kiprop was interviewed on his participation in the Responsible Leaders Fellowship during his time at ESMT and social business projects he pursued after graduation.

Will robots take my job?

March 5, 2020 | ESMT Podcast
In episode #6 of Campus 10178, the ESMT Berlin podcast, Mandy Hübener and Martin Unger discuss the modern workforce in the age of AI.

"Wie der Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland zukunftsfest gemacht werden kann"

March 5, 2020 | Handelsblatt
ESMT President Jörg Rocholl wrote an article on how to secure Germany's economic future.

"Kein Lösegeld für Hacker"

March 4, 2020 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Martin Schallbruch, deputy director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT, is quoted on cyber attacks on public institutions.
Financial Times Logo

"MBA masterclass: when strategy is a matter of luck"

March 2, 2020 | Financial Times
Chengwei Liu, professor of strategy at ESMT, wrote an article based on his latest research and new book, which investigates the role of luck on business success.
Sophie Schaefer, ESMT Berlin

"How to select the right career after MBA"

March 2, 2020 | MBA Crystal Ball
Sophie Schaefer, ESMT corporate relations manager, gives tips for international students aiming for a career change.
Deutschlandfunk Logo

"Mit Coaching und Stipendium in die Führungspositionen"

February 26, 2020 | Deutschlandfunk
ESMT staff and students were interviewed for a radio broadcast on women's scholarships and coaching at the business school aimed at bringing more females into leadership positions.
ESMT students in front of Berliner Dom

"The future of ESMT is inclusive"

February 25, 2020 | ESMT Berlin Blog
Aubrey Bryan, ESMT Master's in Management candidate, discusses the role of the school's Inclusive Leadership Roundtable on campus.
Urs Müller

"World’s Best Case Writers, Teachers Named In 30th Annual Awards"

February 25, 2020 | Poets & Quants
Urs Müller, affiliate program director at ESMT, has been honored as Outstanding Case Teacher 2020 by The Case Centre.
Jens Weinmann, DW

"Tesla factory a trailblazer for electromobility"

February 21, 2020 | Deutsche Welle
ESMT program director Jens Weinmann is interviewed on the planned Tesla factory near Berlin and the company's impact on the automotive industry in Germany.

"EU-Forscher wollen Akademikerinnen stärken"

February 18, 2020 | Forschung & Lehre
ESMT Berlin is mentioned as a participating school in EQUAL4EUROPE, a research project supporting gender equality in academia.
Gianluca Carnabuci, ESMT

"In Hiring, The Less You Know, The More You’ll Grow"

February 18, 2020 | Forbes
Gianluca Carnabuci, professor of organizational behavior at ESMT, authored an article about the limitations of learning by hiring in R&D based on his research.
EQUAL4EUROPE-Teilnehmer in Barcelona

EQUAL4EUROPE kick-off: ESMT Berlin participates in project launch to promote gender equality at academic institutions

February 18, 2020 | Press release
Experts in gender equality from various international universities met in Barcelona for the launch of EQUAL4EUROPE, a research project funded by the European Commission.