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Seunghee Cho

"ESMT Berlin Investment Club president wins global competition"

February 22, 2021 | ESMT Blog
Seunghee Cho, MBA 2022, won first place at Yale’s Stock Trading Game last week and provides an insight into the game.

"From the classroom: An MBA in Germany’s top business school"

February 19, 2021 | Study International
Maria Daniela Perez, MBA student at ESMT Berlin, talks about her educational experience and what she would recommend to international students who are interested in studying in Germany.
ESMT Hybrid Classroom Audit 4

"ESMT Berlin installs state-of-the-art technology for hybrid and online teaching"

February 18, 2021 | ESMT Press
ESMT Berlin has equipped several of its auditoriums with modern technology for hybrid and online formats. This will allow students to attend face-to-face and virtual lectures while adhering to coronavirus safety regulations.

"Immer mehr CEOs mit Mut zu politischen Statements"

February 17, 2021 | Springer Professional
European CEOs want to add value to the substantive discourse by making a public statement, but do not want to take a partisan political stance, explains Christoph Cewe, who prepared the study "The Political CEO" as part of his master's thesis at ESMT Berlin.
Beverly Dodard-Guillaume

"Why this student decided to move to Berlin after spending only 48 hours in this bustling city"

February 16, 2021 | ESMT Blog
ESMT MBA student Beverly Dodard-Guillaume speaks about her experience in the MBA program and why Berlin was the main driving force in her MBA selection process.

"Luka Zrnic- Social Impact Hero"

February 16, 2021 | Medium
Luka Zrnic, Master’s in Management student at ESMT Berlin, talks about his time of being a president at Net Impact and what attracted him to ESMT.

"Doing your master's at 'one of the coolest places in the world'"

February 12, 2021 | MASTERGRADSCHOOLS
ESMT Berlin students and faculty describe their experiences in Germany’s capital city, "one of the coolest places in the world."
Logo Handelsblatt

"Staatskapitalismus vs. Marktwirtschaft: Pandemie bringt Frage des Systemwettbewerbs zurück auf die Agenda"

February 11, 2021 | Handelsblatt
Infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans are booming. This brings us a new system competition, says Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT Berlin.

"In der Pandemie steht Deutschland schlecht da"

February 10, 2021 | Tagesspiegel
Administration, data protection, innovation: The West has to learn - also from state-capitalist systems, says Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT Berlin.

"List of universities that accept bitcoin for tuition"

February 10, 2021 | Mass Media NG
There are universities and colleges across the world that accept bitcoin as a payment option for their fees and other expenditure. ESMT Berlin is the first school in Germany to accept bitcoin as a payment option.
Ekin Matpkap, MiM student at ESMT Berlin

"A Master’s in Management in Berlin with pretzels, beers and freedom of expression"

February 10, 2021 | Study International
Ekin Matkap, Master's in Management student (MiM) at ESMT Berlin, talks about why she loves studying in Germany and what she likes in particularly about Berlin, such as the freedom of speech and not being judged for expressing opinions.
Henning Moebius

"From interning at Volkswagen and KPMG to planning a Social Impact Project"

February 8, 2021 | ESMT Blog
ESMT Master's in Management student Henning Moebius, provides an insight into his internship experience and how he is preparing for his Social Impact Project.

"ESMT Berlin to host TEDx conference"

February 8, 2021 | Yahoo! Finance
On February 6, ESMT Berlin will host its first TEDx conference, independently organized by students. Under the umbrella “Embracing Uncertainty,” 12 speakers with diverse backgrounds and perspectives will come together to present their ideas on how to cope with the challenges of the unknown in the future.
Financial Times Logo

"Making digital MBA learning add up"

February 7, 2021 | Financial Times
The pandemic created a live experiment in online teaching. Samantha Roberts, MBA student at ESMT Berlin, found aspects of online study a ‘blessing in disguise’.

"Neuer Stiftungslehrstuhl für Diversity in Berlin"

February 5, 2021 | Haufe
Gender parity and diversity in leadership positions are increasingly the focus of management. ESMT Berlin and Volkswagen are responding with a new endowed chair to expand research on diversity in leadership positions.