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"Death and dance by the numbers – learning financial accounting"

June 15, 2021 | ESMT Blog
Joshua Glassmyer, MBA 2022, provides an insight into his key takeaways and experience of the financial accounting course by Per Olsson.

"Finding a job post-MBA amidst a turbulent pandemic"

June 14, 2021 | MBAGRADSCHOOLS
Diego Cammarano, MBA 2021, talks to the MBAGRADSCHOOLS team about why he chose ESMT Berlin, how the pandemic affected his MBA experience, and how ESMT helped him find a job amidst all the turbulence.

"Frauen haben das erste Wort: Hiltrud D. Werner"

June 14, 2021 | WirtschaftsKurier
In this Monday interview, Volkswagen board member Hiltrud D. Werner talks about equality between men and women and tells that she is looking forward to the panel discussion at ESMT Berlin's Annual Forum, in which she will participate on Thursday.
Harvard Business Review logo

"Don’t Underestimate the Power of Luck When It Comes to Success in Business"

June 14, 2021 | Harvard Business Review
Chengwei Liu, professor at ESMT Berlin, describes how luck influences the chances of being successful in business in his article in Harvard Business Review.

ESMT Berlin students attended finals of Global Innovation Challenge

June 10, 2021 | ESMT News
Marcelo Higuchi, Saravdeep, and Min Tsai, Full-time MBA students at ESMT Berlin, have been invited to attend the finals of the Global Innovation Challenge, held by IE Business School in Madrid.

The inaugural IE Global Innovation Challenge, which took place from June 4 - June 5, 2021, focuses on engaging future innovation leaders from business schools around the world to solve the challenges of today's digital age. The students worked on a case to implement context, analysis, and solutions to bring together in practice what they have learned from their MBA experiences.

"Should we be concerned about misinformation on Clubhouse?"

June 9, 2021 | Israel Public Policy Institute
Henning Lahmann, senior researcher at the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin and research associate at Israel Public Policy Institute, explores the potential dissemination of mis- and disinformation entailed in the platform and the challenges that lie ahead.
Isabel Skierka, ESMT

"US success in Colonial ransomware attack 'spectacular'"

June 8, 2021 | Deutsche Welle
The FBI has recouped almost all the Bitcoin ransom paid in connection with the cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline. Isabel Skierka from ESMT Berlin told DW this was a sign US law enforcement can get online criminals even abroad.
Die Zeit Logo

"Wie sich Homeoffice-Burnout vorbeugen lässt"

June 8, 2021 | ZEIT Online
Many employees have now become used to the new working conditions. But there are also employees who suffer from the psychological consequences of working at home, explains Eric Quintane, professor at ESMT Berlin, in an interview with dpa.

"Choose a future-forward digital curriculum for your master's"

June 7, 2021 | Master Grad Schools
Azra Habibija talks to the Master Grad School team about how ESMT Berlin has helped her achieve her career goals, and why students shouldn't let the coronavirus pandemic stop them from following their dreams.

"ESMT Berlin: Why I'm Going Back To School At 40"

June 7, 2021 | Top MBA
A thirst for professional knowledge and understanding more business areas are just two of the reasons Seunghee Cho chose ESMT Berlin for her MBA.
Matthew Bothner, ESMT Berlin

New paper by Matthew Bothner accepted for publication

June 3, 2021 | ESMT News
The paper “What is social status and how does it impact the generation of novel ideas?”, co-written by ESMT's professor Matthew Bothner, has recently been accepted and will be published in Research in the Sociology of Organizations.

The paper explores the relationship between two seemingly contradictory assets — status and novelty. As creativity, alongside risk and illegitimacy, is inherent to novelty, how and when does status — a typically stable asset, possessed by those who are highly regarded by highly-regarded others — catalyze the generation of novel practices?
Deutsche Welle Logo

"JBS computer hack 'quite serious disruption'"

June 2, 2021 | Deutsche Welle
The world's largest meat processing company has resumed most production after a weekend cyberattack. Isabel Skierka, program leader for technology policy and a researcher with the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, thinks the vulnerabilities exposed by this attack and others are far from resolved.

LGBTIQ+ Campus Index

June 2, 2021 | Proudr
ESMT Berlin achieves the fifth-highest score in Germany and the highest in Berlin/Brandenburg in UHLALA's LGBTIQ+ Campus Index.
Stefan Wagner, ESMT

Stefan Wagner receives DFG funding for his research on pharmaceutical patenting

June 1, 2021 | ESMT News
Stefan Wagner, associate professor of strategy and innovation at ESMT Berlin, successfully applied for DFG funding for a research project on “The use of Markush structures in pharmaceutical patenting and their effect on R&D competition in drug development.”

The research grant is for 24 months and comes with personnel funding for a research assistant and a student assistant, as well as funding for other direct project costs. The approved funding sum is €111,100 plus €24,400 overhead costs.

"Lernen auf dem Cyber-Campus: Wie Edtechs die Bildungsbranche verändern"

May 29, 2021 | Handelsblatt
Apps, virtual reality, and AI are making learning more personalized and flexible. In pandemic times, the market is growing. Also ESMT Berlin invested in its online and hybrid classrooms.