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"Breaking the cycle of poverty through global learning and social enterprise"

June 23, 2021 | ESMT Blog
David Núñez provides an insight into working with the Pulsera Project, a nonprofit organization tackling poverty and social injustice, for his Social Impact Project.
Konstantin Korotov

New paper by Konstantin Korotov published by Career Development International

June 22, 2021 | ESMT News
Career Development International has published research by Konstantin Korotov, ESMT professor of organizational behavior, titled "Executives and career shocks: observations from coaching practice."

The research is a qualitative analysis of managers' career shock experiences from executive coaching interventions. In its findings, it presents coaching as an opportunity to process emotional reactions, providing agency when responding to disruptive change.

"Online MBAs Prepare Students for Digital Leadership"

June 22, 2021 | Find MBA
ESMT Berlin's Online MBA program includes a new course focusing on leading global virtual teams, an online escape game, and an “Unmute!” project to prepare students for the new world of virtual work.
Chengwei Liu, ESMT Berlin

Two new papers by Chengwei Liu accepted for publication

June 22, 2021 | ESMT News
The journal article “The Variance of Variance”, co-written by ESMT professor Chengwei Liu, was nominated as a finalist for the 2021 Best Paper Award for Organization and Management Theory division. The paper will be included in the Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management 2021. In addition, his paper “In luck we trust: Capturing diversity bonus through random selection” is published in the Journal of Organization Design.

Both papers investigate the often overlooked role of luck in management and organizational design. "The variance of variance" promotes the applications of chance models to understand when luck is a better explanation for corporate successes, whereas "In luck we trust" explores how random selection may help capturing diversity bonuses within teams when blind luck trumps biased reasons.

Privacy-friendly AI for the public sector: Xayn and the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin publish joint position paper

June 22, 2021 | ESMT Press
The Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin and Xayn highlight the potential of a decentralized new approach to implement and futureproof governmental AI strategies and elaborate on potential use cases in the health sector and law enforcement.
Der Tagesspiegel Logo

"Datenschutzfreundliche KI für den öffentlichen Sektor"

June 22, 2021 | Tagesspiegel Background
In government, the use of AI often fails because of the privacy dilemma. New decentralized, privacy-friendly technologies such as masked federated learning could change that, explain Martin Schallbruch, director at the Digital Society Institute at ESMT Berlin, and Michael Huth.

"How Are Business Schools Tackling The Refugee Crisis?"

June 21, 2021 | Forbes
At ESMT Berlin, through the school’s Social Impact Project where Masters in Management students spend five weeks serving as an economic or management consultant for an organization with specific social impact objectives, many students take the opportunity to utilise this project to help those in the most need.
FAZ Logo

"Warum grüne Geldanlage nichts taugt"

June 21, 2021 | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
It may give you a good conscience to invest your money ecologically. But it does nothing for the climate, explains Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT Berlin, in his recent article for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Isabel Skierka, ESMT

"Digital Identities: How a European Vision becomes Reality"

June 18, 2021 | Tagesspiegel YouTube
Isabel Skierka, program leader for technology policy and a researcher at the DSI at ESMT Berlin, spoke at the Tagesspiegel event about digital identities in Europe and Germany.

"ESMT Berlin establishes Sustainable Business Transformation Initiative"

June 18, 2021 | ESMT Press
With the support of BMW, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, and Werte-Stiftung, ESMT Berlin has launched the Sustainable Business Transformation Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to increase its academic footprint in research and education on critical areas with impact for business and society and to provide innovative solutions to global environmental and social challenges.

"Lufthansa boss calls for technical solutions for climate, not bans"

June 18, 2021 | dpa International
Carsten Spohr, CEO at Lufthansa, spoke at the ESMT Berlin Annual Forum 2021 about possible flight bans that were occasionally irrational and lacking in substance.

"International CEOs discuss the future of Europe at ESMT Annual Forum 2021"

June 17, 2021 | ESMT Press
Top-level representatives and experts from business and academia will come together at the ESMT Annual Forum 2021 to discuss this year’s theme “Designing the Future: How technological transformation influences the way we work, learn, and live.”
Logo Handelsblatt

"Moskau braucht Zuckerbrot und Peitsche"

June 17, 2021 | Handelsblatt
After the meeting between Biden and Putin in Geneva, the European Union must realign its policy toward Russia, says Jörg Rocholl, president at ESMT Berlin.
Gianluca Carnabuci, ESMT

"Eat a banana! Get off Twitter! How to be more productive at work"

June 15, 2021 | The Guardian
Gianluca Carnabuci, professor at ESMT Berlin, explains how a cave day, made of distraction-free “sprints”, can help you concentrate on important work, starting with the most difficult task and working backwards.

"COVID-19 Campus Updates For European Business Schools"

June 15, 2021 | BusinessBecause
ESMT Berlin welcomed its first group of students back to campus in April 2021 and plans to operate with the same hybrid model of teaching for the next academic year, so students can choose the option they prefer.