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Vali Berlin hosts first Sustainability Bootcamp at ESMT Berlin

February 18, 2022 | ESMT Press
The first Sustainability Bootcamp at ESMT Berlin, organized by the international business school’s entrepreneurship hub Vali Berlin starts today under the umbrella “Create ideas for a better tomorrow.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung Logo

"Maßgeschneidertes Manager-Studium"

February 18, 2022 | Süddeutsche Zeitung
Nick Barniville, director of the EdTec Lab at ESMT, explains how ESMT's Global Online MBA is modeled after American MBAs with a lot of flexibility.
Süddeutsche Zeitung Logo

"Ich muss nicht perfekt sein!"

February 18, 2022 | Süddeutsche Zeitung
Claire Dugan, EMBA alumna from ESMT, talks about how ESMT supported her financially while studying at the international business school.
Linus Dahlander, ESMT

"Entrepreneurs perform better if able to choose their ideas OR team members – but not both"

February 16, 2022 | AMBITION Magazine
Entrepreneurial teams perform more effectively if able to choose their own team members or their own ideas – but this benefit to performance disappears if given the autonomy to choose both, according to new research by Linus Dahlander, professor at ESMT.

Lars-Hendrik Röller rejoins ESMT Berlin

February 16, 2022 | ESMT Press
As of February 2022, Prof. Lars-Hendrik Röller, PhD, has returned to ESMT Berlin as a professor of economics. Since 2011, the former president of the international business school served as chief economic advisor to German Federal Chancellor Merkel and G7 and G20 Sherpa.
Lars-Hendrik Röller

"Merkels „Sherpa" zieht es wieder in die Wissenschaft"

February 15, 2022 | Handelsblatt
Lars-Hendrik Röller, the former economic and financial policy advisor to Chancellor Angela Merkel, returns to ESMT as professor of Economics.

"4 MBA myths debunked"

February 14, 2022 | ESMT Blog
ESMT Berlin MBA alumnus Minwei Zhang debunks 4 MBA myths.

"Beste deutsche Business School ist wieder die ESMT Berlin"

February 14, 2022 | Haufe Online
ESMT Berlin once again ranked the best in Germany and was placed in the seventh position on the Financial Times' European Business School Ranking.
Georg Garlichs

"Denkmalamt stoppe Solardach auf Privatuniversität"

February 11, 2022 | Berliner Morgenpost
Georg Garlichs, CFO at ESMT, talks in an interview about ESMT's plans to build a solar plant on its roof and why the state authority has rejected the plant so far.
Poets & Quants Logo

"3 Reasons To Pursue An MBA In Europe Right Now"

February 11, 2022 | Poets & Quants
ESMT is listed as one of the top schools in Europe with a January enrollment.
Die Zeit Logo

"Wir brauchen nicht mehr Daten, sondern mehr Träume"

February 7, 2022 | ZEIT Online
In an interview, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who published "Framers" together with Kenneth Cukier and Francis de Véricourt, explains why human decision-making is more in demand than ever, especially in times of robots, artificial intelligence, and automation.

AACSB accredits ESMT Berlin for another five years

February 7, 2022 | ESMT Press
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has extended the accreditation of ESMT Berlin for another five years.

ESMT Berlin revises its full-time MBA program to increase social impact, international exchange, and career opportunities

February 7, 2022 | ESMT Press
ESMT Berlin has revamped its full-time MBA program to emphasize employability. International exchange, internships, social impact, and German language learning options have been enabled.
Rebecca Loades

"A Guide to Online MBA Accreditation"

February 7, 2022 | Find MBA Online
Rebecca Loades, director of career accelerator programs, explains why the ESMT online MBA is one of the few digital degrees accredited by AMBA.

ESMT Berlin holding second TEDx conference “Tomorrow’s Mindset"

February 4, 2022 | ESMT Press
On Saturday, February 5, 2022, ESMT Berlin will host its second TEDx conference, independently organized by students. This year the focus is on “Tomorrow’s Mindset” and how to change your own mindset to be better prepared for the future.