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"Wie sich Hochschulen global behaupten können"

February 13, 2019
Article on Forschung & Lehre on how universities can assert themselves globally, mentioning ESMT.

"The greatest threat to society is the loss of people’s confidence in the capacity of their governments to act in cyberspace"

February 13, 2019
Interview by Authority Magazine with Martin Schallbruch on the role of the state in cybersecurity.

"What are the transmission channels in a financial crisis?"

February 12, 2019
Interview on Latest Thinking with Jörg Rocholl.

Press release: R&D Annual Report 2018

February 6, 2019
ESMT Berlin has just issued its R&D Annual Report 2018, stressing the high-quality research output of the international business school.
BILD logo

"Riskieren wir für schnelles Netz unsere nationale Sicherheit?"

February 6, 2019
Sandro Gaycken comments in Bild on 5G network security.
Tagesschau Logo

"Sicherheitsbehörden warnen vor Huawei"

January 30, 2019
Martin Schallbruch is quoted by Tagesschau on the expansion of the telecommunication network.
ZDF Morgenmagazin Logo

"Rocholl: Wir sind im Aufschwung"

January 30, 2019
Jörg Rocholl is interviewed by ZDF television on Germany's annual economic report and forecast.

"Cyberschäden können Manager den Job kosten!"

January 29, 2019
Sandro Gaycken is quoted in a AssCompact article on cybersecurity and management.

Press information: Sandro Gaycken elected Director of Research at French elite university

January 23, 2019
Sandro Gaycken, Director of the Digital Society Institute (DSI) at ESMT Berlin, has been named Director of Research for Cyber-Stability.

"Crowdfunding offers promise for women and junior academics"

January 22, 2019
Article on Henry Sauermann's new crowdfunding research on Times Higher Education.

Press release: Experts discuss social cohesion at the 8th Berlin Demography Forum

January 22, 2019
Around 200 domestic and international experts from academia, politics, business, and civil society met meet at ESMT.

"Wie gut ist Deutschlands oberste Cyberabwehr-Behörde?"

January 22, 2019
Sandro Gaycken is quoted in Berliner Morgenpost on data security in Germany.

"Incubators offer a safe way to try start-up life"

January 21, 2019
Financial Times article featuring ESMT MBA graduate Luisa Rouillard (metered paywall).

"The Hottest Markets For Business Education In 2019"

January 21, 2019
Nick Barniville highlights the attractiveness of German business schools on BusinessBecause.