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Global Network for Advanced Managment Logo

"Faculty Flash Survey: Climate Change Is an Urgent Business Priority"

March 19, 2019
The ESMT Berlin faculty participated in the survey.
Financial Times Logo

"Investors and politicians build momentum for German bank merger"

March 19, 2019
Jörg Rocholl is quoted by the Financial Times on a possible bank tie-up (metered paywall).

"Executive education: Are MBAs fit for purpose?"

March 18, 2019
Benjamin Quaiser is quoted in HR Magazine on the role of digitization in executive education.

"In this globalized world, unilateralism is just a fiction"

March 18, 2019
Speech of German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz at ESMT Berlin.
Logo Handelsblatt

"Huaweis 5G-Angebot stößt in Berlin auf Skepsis"

March 18, 2019
Martin Schallbruch comments in Handelsblatt on Huawei's no-spy declaration offer (metered paywall).
Logo Handelsblatt

"Die Netze sind das Schlachtfeld des Cyberkriegs"

March 17, 2019
Interview with Martin Schallbruch on 5G and cybersecurity (metered paywall).

"Here’s why the U.S. waited to ground the Boeing planes"

March 15, 2019
Jan Hagen comments on the actions of the FAA on Vice.

"Experten warnen vor russischem Einfluss"

March 15, 2019
Sandro Gaycken is quoted on the danger of foreign influence on the European elections on

Ingrid and Manfred Gentz Chair in Business and Society: Inaugural Event

March 14, 2019
Watch the video recording of the inaugural event.
Financial Times Logo

"Boeing criticised for not acting faster to allay 737 Max concerns"

March 14, 2019
The article quotes Jan Hagen (metered paywall).

"Streit um Baupläne gefährdet Flussbad"

March 14, 2019
The Article covers the plans to develop the ESMT campus.
Deutschlandfunk Logo

Ökonom kritisiert Flugverbote als „voreiligen Aktionismus"

March 13, 2019
"Ökonom kritisiert Flugverbote als 'voreiligen Aktionismus'" – J. Hagen is interviewed on the Boeing 737 Max flight prohibition.
Das Erste Logo

"Autodiebstahl per Funksignalklau: Über 240 Modelle betroffen"

March 13, 2019
Sandro Gaycken comments on IT security issues in cars on ARD television.

Midday meals

March 13, 2019
Children who eat lunch score 18% higher in reading tests new ESMT Berlin study shows
Deutschlandfunk Logo

"Crowdfunding: Forscherinnen am erfolgreichsten"

March 7, 2019
The Deutschlandfunk article features Henry Sauermann's new research.