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High Performing Teams führen

High Performing Teams führen (HPT.106)

Module 1
Live Online
Dates: 14. Mar 2025
Module 2
Duration: 5 Days
Dates: 24. - 28. Mar 2025
Module 3
Live Online
Dates: 6. May 2025
Module 4
Live Online
Dates: 28. Nov 2025
6,200 €

Enhance your skills as an experienced leader

Executive education program in German

Teams are the central performance unit of most organizations. They are created to achieve challenging goals by working together rather than alone. But how does a team become a high performing team? The key lies in clever goal setting and improved cooperation.

In this program, you will learn how you as a manager can contribute to this. Learn how to find the right level of psychological safety and accountability, how to embed reflection and learning in everyday life and how to strengthen the strengths of your team members. We also look at team dynamics and conflict management. You can optimize the framework conditions for teams within your organization by "leading upwards", i.e. by influencing superiors and stakeholders.

A special component of the program is a one-day group coaching session. Under the guidance of experienced coaches and together with your peers, you will work on an individual coaching issue in order to develop practical solutions and further strengthen your leadership skills.

The program consists of 4.5 face-to-face days and 3 virtual online sessions (3 hours each).

As an English-speaking alternative, we recommend our „Leading People and Teams“ seminar. As a further advanced German-speaking course, we are happy to offer „Veränderungsinitiativen führen“.

High Performing Teams führen (HPT.106)

Module 1
Live Online
Dates: 14. Mar 2025
Module 2
Duration: 5 Days
Dates: 24. - 28. Mar 2025
Module 3
Live Online
Dates: 6. May 2025
Module 4
Live Online
Dates: 28. Nov 2025
6,200 €

Your Profile

  • Managers with at least two years of leadership experience who want to reflect on and optimize their leadership behavior.


  • You will learn about the prerequisites for high performance and how you can support your team(s) and employees as a manager on the path to higher performance.
  • You will identify new ways to better leverage and develop potential in your team(s) - based on 360° feedback and your experiences and goals.
  • You will receive insights, feedback and support from experts, coaches and peers.
  • You will exchange ideas with peers from different industries and expand your professional network.


  • Psychological safety and high-performing teams
  • Team dynamics and conflict management
  • Error culture
  • Goal setting, autonomy and continuous improvement
  • Humility as a leadership trait?
  • Leading to the top
  • Diversity
  • Reinforcing strengths: What managers can learn from coaches


Meet our teaching staff

The seminars have been 
designed – and will be led –
by ESMT faculty members 
or by renowned 
visiting lecturers
They will also advise you  
during your seminar.

Hilde Rosenboom

Program Director, Executive Programs, ESMT Berlin


"I have been a manager for over 10 years. Despite that, the seminar at ESMT Berlin still managed to show me new approaches and perspectives that will enrich my leadership style."

Conny Schnackenbeck, Teamhead Corporate Credit, UniCredit Bank AG 


An ideal mix of solid scientific and up-to-date theory with excellent speakers from the real world and practical elements (role plays, group work, case studies etc.) as well as a range of participants with whom you are on an equal level.

Nils Freitag, Global Head of HR, tegos GmbH

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

This seminar can also be taken as part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management curriculum. Earn a university-level certificate that provides formal recognition of your professional development.

Learn more

Your program advisor

Your program advisor

​​​​​​​Beatrix Becker
Head of Business Development, ESMT Berlin

Phone: +49 30 21231 6205

Request a call back

Take the next step towards your goals!


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